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Leftist prosecutor bashes Greg Abbott plan to pardon soldier, wants him to serve sentence

 April 10, 2023

On Saturday, April 8, Texas Governor Greg Abbott instructed the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to consider a pardon for US Army Sgt. Daniel Perry following his murder conviction the previous day, revealed the San Antonio Report.

Later, Travis County District Attorney General José Garza released a statement criticizing Abbott's decision.

What Did Garza Say?

The DA called Gov. Abbott's proposed intervention "deeply troubling."

He pointed out that "a jury of twelve listened to testimony for nearly two weeks," and that they heard from "civilian eyewitnesses and expert witnesses, and [deliberated] for over fifteen hours" before reaching "the unanimous decision that Daniel Perry did not kill Garrett Foster in self-defense and was guilty of murder beyond a reasonable doubt."

He thanked the jurors before stressing that "a jury gets to decide whether a defendant is guilty or innocent – not the Governor."

Garza then noted that, absent Abbott's potential intervention, "state and federal courts [would] examine the record to ensure that no legal errors were made at this level and that the evidence supported the conviction."

He then thanked the family of the victim Garrett Foster and vowed to continue his "fight for a justice system that treats everyone equally, including Garrett Foster."

Link to Soros

According to the Mail's report on the story, Garza has received millions of dollars in campaign funding from controversial billionaire George Soros.

Known for his support of progressive and liberal causes, Soros made his fortune as a hedge fund manager and has used his wealth to fund political and social justice movements around the world.

He is the founder and chair of the Open Society Foundations, a network of philanthropic organizations that claim to support democracy, human rights, and social justice.

Garza is reportedly one among a number of left-leaning district attorneys who have won their offices with the help of donations from George Soros.

What Happened in the Perry Case?

Daniel Perry fatally shot Garrett Foster during a BLM riot in Austin, Texas on July 25, 2020, reported the Daily Mail.

Perry was driving an Uber when he encountered a group of protesters, including Foster, blocking an intersection.

Perry claimed that Foster approached his vehicle and pointed his AK-47 at him, prompting Perry to draw his own handgun and fire at Foster in self-defense. Foster was struck by multiple bullets and died at the scene.

Eyewitnesses testified during the trial that Foster never pointed his rifle at Perry, as the latter stated.

Governor Abbott indicated he was seeking a review of the case by the Board of Pardons and Paroles via Twitter.

Noting Texas' strong "Stand Your Ground" self-defense laws, Abbott stated that no "jury or progressive District Attorney" had the authority to overrule these laws.