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Liberal Columnist Urges Harris To Engage With Press, Highlights Democratic Process

 August 20, 2024

In a recent Washington Post article, columnist Perry Bacon Jr. critiqued Vice President Kamala Harris for her reluctance to interact with the media following her nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate.

Columnist Perry Bacon Jr. believes Vice President Kamala Harris's limited interaction with the media could harm democratic values and processes, Fox News reported.

Perry Bacon Jr., known for his liberal viewpoints, has expressed disappointment in Harris's approach to the media. Since her nomination, Harris has avoided formal press engagements, focusing instead on campaign events.

The lack of interaction has not gone unnoticed, as Harris has mostly participated in brief press gaggles, avoiding in-depth interviews on critical policy matters.

Bacon argues that engaging with specialized journalists could benefit Harris by clarifying her policy stances and enhancing public dialogue.

Column Criticizes Harris For Media Silence

The column, titled "Harris should talk to journalists more. Particularly the wonky ones," points out the potential democratic erosion due to Harris's silence. Bacon emphasizes the importance of robust media engagement in a functioning democracy.

He suggests that Harris should seek out journalists with expertise in areas like foreign affairs and economic policy to help voters gain a clearer understanding of her platform.

Bacon fears that Harris might limit her interactions to media outlets perceived as favorable, avoiding tougher, more critical scrutiny.

Engagement With Policy Experts Recommended

Bacon's critique extends beyond media interaction. He criticizes Harris's campaign strategy, describing it as delivering monologues rather than engaging in dialogues with voters.

"A presidential campaign is a national conversation about the state of the country. The candidate giving the same speech over and over again is a monologue, not a conversation," Bacon stated in his column.

According to Bacon, this approach prevents a genuine exchange of ideas, which is fundamental to the democratic process.

The Importance Of Press In Democracy Highlighted

Bacon highlights the role of journalists in democracy, noting, "Answering questions from journalists is particularly vital. They are paid to study policy issues and scrutinize politicians."

He argues that journalists' questions are more detailed and specific than those from the general public, providing an essential service in informing the electorate.

"Talking to reporters who know their subjects well creates some risk for a candidate. But Harris’s strong start over the past few weeks suggests she has been underestimated by Democratic Party elites," he added.

Frustration Over Harris's Campaign Approach

Bacon expresses frustration with Harris's initial approach to her candidacy, which he sees as a departure from democratic values of openness and accountability.

"I’m frustrated that the main anti-Trump candidate has started her candidacy by breaking with the democratic values of treating the press as an important institution and answering questions from reporters and the public," he commented.

This sentiment reflects a broader concern among some observers about the potential implications of a campaign that limits direct interaction with the media and, by extension, the public.

Call For Greater Transparency And Dialogue

In conclusion, Perry Bacon Jr.'s column calls on Vice President Kamala Harris to reconsider her strategy with the media.

By engaging more openly with journalists and the public, Harris could clarify her policy positions and reinforce the democratic process by fostering a more informed electorate.

The column underscores the need for a campaign that embraces dialogue over monologue, ensuring that democratic values are upheld during the election cycle.