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Longshot candidate Ryan Binkley drops out of presidential race, endorses Trump

 February 28, 2024

Ryan Binkley, a little-known contender for the Republican presidential nomination, announced on Tuesday the cessation of his campaign efforts, simultaneously throwing his full support behind former President Donald Trump.

Binkley took to the social media platform X to declare, "Today, I am suspending my campaign for the Presidency of the United States of America and offering my endorsement and unwavering support for President Trump," as Fox News reported.

Having transitioned from his roles as a Texas pastor and entrepreneur to a presidential hopeful, Binkley expressed his gratitude towards his family, friends, the members of his campaign team, the over 80,000 individuals who financially contributed to his cause, and the numerous volunteers who dedicated their time and effort.

The decision comes after a campaign that saw Binkley advocating for major fiscal and social reforms.

Specifically, he emphasized what he views as the urgent need to address the nation's deficit spending and the ballooning national debt.

His campaign message centered on the belief that "the unsustainable deficit spending and debt path we are on will undoubtedly lead us to a generational economic disruption."

Binkley's Vision for America

Throughout his campaign, Binkley highlighted a series of key issues, including the necessity of immigration reform, bolstering the economy through privatization of healthcare, advocating for the use of nuclear energy, and supporting pro-life stances.

His vision for America was one of unity and financial stability, underscored by a return to foundational values of faith, freedom, and mutual respect.

Although brief, Binkley's journey in the political arena was driven by a deep-seated concern over the fiscal trajectory of the United States and the widening cultural and political divides.

"Our nation is lost, divided, and in financial trouble. Here's the good news: united, we can rise to change it as we restore our faith in God, freedom, and each other," stated Binkley's campaign website.

Last year in April, Binkley, the co-founder and current CEO/president of Generational Equity Group, a merger and acquisitions business advisory firm based in Texas, he declared his candidacy.

A Grateful Exit and Future Prospects

Despite stepping back from the presidential race, he remains committed to influencing the national discourse on economy, border security, and healthcare reform.

Binkley's departure from the race underscores a moment of consolidation within the Republican Party.

That was evidenced this week as he urged unity and support for Trump amid ongoing political challenges.

"He will need everyone's support, and he will have mine moving forward," Binkley affirmed, signaling a call to action for his supporters and the broader Republican base to rally behind Trump in the upcoming election.

As Binkley returns to his roles in business and ministry, his message remains one of hope and perseverance for the future of the nation.

"Let's continue to pray for our nation, and our leaders. When we look to each other for wisdom and strength, our future can be better than we can imagine," he concluded.