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Maher: Harris Advised to Silence on Israel, Calls Her Input Naive

 September 22, 2024

Bill Maher recently expressed strong criticism towards Vice President Kamala Harris's proposed solutions for Israel and Gaza, highlighting their simplicity amid complex international challenges, Breitbart reported.

In a pointed episode of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher took issue with the approach Vice President Kamala Harris suggested for addressing the aftermath of the recent conflict between Israel and Gaza. Maher argued that Harris's recommendations did not grasp the fundamental difficulties at play.

Maher's critique centered on Harris’s public statement about maintaining the current borders of Gaza, avoiding reoccupation, and aiming for regional security to ensure stability. He dismissed these ideas as overly simplistic, given the complexities of the geopolitical situation.

Dissecting the Proposed Post-War Solutions

During the show, Maher quoted Harris directly, questioning the efficacy of her plan which included non-reoccupation of Gaza and maintaining its territorial integrity. According to Maher, these proposals missed addressing the root causes of the conflict.

"Here’s what Kamala Harris said this week about what we should do when the war is over no reoccupation of Gaza, no changing of the territorial lines of Gaza, and an ability to have security in the region for all concerned in a way that we create stability. I feel like if that’s what you have to say, don’t say anything, just shut up," Maher remarked, indicating his frustration with the simplicity of the plan.

Maher suggested that Harris's comments were inadequate and perhaps it would be better if she refrained from making such simplistic statements on such a complex issue.

Contrasting Views on the Path to Peace

Maher highlighted a fundamental disparity in the goals of Israel and Hamas. He noted that while Israel has historically advocated for a two-state solution, Hamas has consistently opposed it, not showing support for peaceful coexistence.

"Everybody who talks about Israel these days is just so full of shit or just — I don’t want children to die, duh, who does? None of us want children to die, none of us want this war to go on. But it’s not addressing what the problem is, the problem is that one side wants a two-state solution — or at least always did, it’s a little more right-wing now, I’m talking about Israel, but that still has been their position. One side never did and still doesn’t," Maher explained.

He also discussed the tactics used by both sides, where one side employs terrorism to achieve its goals and the other is forced to respond. Maher refuted accusations of genocide against Israel, describing such claims as misleading and untruthful.

Media and Public Perception of Israel's Defense

"One side uses terrorism to get their goals, one side retaliates against terrorism. One side is accused of genocide, but doesn’t do it, the other side actually would love to do it. People keep saying, Israel has the right to defend itself. … And then, whenever Israel does, they object to it,” Maher concluded, shedding light on the international community's reaction to Israel's defensive actions.

This debate highlights the ongoing difficulty in addressing and resolving long-standing issues between Israel and Gaza. Maher's comments reflect a broader frustration with political leaders' responses to these complex situations, suggesting a need for more nuanced and informed discourse.

The episode serves as a reminder of the complexities involved in diplomatic relations and conflict resolution, where simplistic approaches often fail to recognize the deeper historical and political realities that fuel such conflicts.