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Major GOP donor serves up reality for Nikki Haley, says she should ‘know when to walk away’

 January 25, 2024
A prominent Republican financier has recommended that GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley consider withdrawing from the primary race following her defeat in New Hampshire.Andy Sabin, a leading contributor to the Republican Party and chairman of Sabin Metals, has publicly advised Nikki Haley, a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, to contemplate exiting the race.

This suggestion comes after her recent defeat to former President Donald Trump in the New Hampshire primary. Drawing inspiration from a renowned Kenny Rogers song, Sabin likened Haley's current political situation to knowing "when to walk away," as FOX News reported.

Sabin reflects on Haley's campaign prospects

In a conversation with Fox News, Sabin remarked on Haley's position in the race, highlighting the slim chances of her campaign gaining traction, especially in her home state of South Carolina.

He suggested that the current scenario offers no strategic advantage for Haley to persevere in her campaign efforts.

Sabin's commentary extended beyond mere political analysis. He incorporated lyrics from Kenny Rogers' classic, "The Gambler," to emphasize his point, stressing the importance of recognizing the right moment to concede.

Future support for Haley and the current political landscape

Despite his recommendation for Haley to exit the race, Sabin expressed his willingness to support her in future endeavors.

He assured that his financial backing would be readily available for Haley should she decide to run in the 2028 election. However, he remained firm on his stance that the 2024 electoral cycle is not in her favor.

Highlighting the challenges faced by Haley, Sabin pointed out her significant lag behind Trump in South Carolina polls.

Prominent figures such as Sens. Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott, and South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster have thrown their support behind Trump, further complicating Haley's position.

Nonetheless, she still enjoys backing from some quarters, including House Freedom Caucus Member, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC).

Donor's Dilemma: Limited choices in the presidential election

Reflecting on his options for political donations, Sabin expressed his reservations about the current pool of candidates, signifying a reluctant lean towards Trump as his potential choice.

This sentiment marks a stark contrast from his earlier declarations where he vehemently opposed any financial support for the former president.

Further delving into South Carolina's political dynamics, Sabin argued that a candidate's inability to secure their home state significantly diminishes their chances on the national stage. This sentiment was echoed in his discussion with Neil Cavuto, where he underscored the absence of a viable path for Haley moving forward.

The candid perspective of a major GOP donor

Sabin critiqued the inner circle of Haley's campaign, suggesting that her consultants and staff might be shielding her from the harsh realities of her electoral prospects.

He implied that their personal interests could be clouding their judgment and advice to Haley.

In a candid moment, Sabin humorously compared the current presidential race to a hypothetical scenario in which he would prefer his dog over President Biden if both were on the ballot.

His commentary did not spare Trump either, as he pointed out the former president's tendency to make controversial statements despite having strong policy positions.


  • Andy Sabin, a significant GOP donor, advises Nikki Haley to reconsider her presidential campaign following a defeat in New Hampshire.
  • Sabin draws parallels between Haley's situation and the message in Kenny Rogers' song "The Gambler," emphasizing the importance of knowing when to step back.
  • Despite his current stance, Sabin expresses willingness to support Haley in future electoral endeavors, signifying his long-term faith in her as a candidate.
  • The political dynamics in South Carolina, with key endorsements for Trump, pose a substantial challenge for Haley's campaign.
  • Sabin's comments reveal the intricate considerations and strategic decisions that major political donors and candidates have to navigate in the complex landscape of American politics.