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Major Media Hid Concerns About Biden’s Cognitive Health

 July 6, 2024

President Joe Biden's recent debate performance against former President Donald Trump has stirred renewed scrutiny over his mental and physical fitness—a concern that has apparently been simmering beneath the surface for quite some time.

After the debate, several mainstream media outlets, such as CNN, conceded that they had previously downplayed these health concerns out of fear of backlash from the White House and Democratic supporters.

On Thursday, President Biden faced off with Trump in a debate that left many viewers questioning his mental sharpness and physical vigor. Although the American public had been aware of Biden's health concerns since his 2020 campaign, major media outlets had largely dismissed the issue.

Media's Admission After Debate

Media giants such as NBC News, CNN, and the New York Times had previously labeled any discussions or videos highlighting Biden's apparent senior moments as right-wing "misinformation." These outlets stood firm in their stance, despite growing public concern.

However, the tide shifted following the debate. Reports emerged that these same media outlets feared significant backlash from the White House and Democratic loyalists if they were to report on Biden's cognitive issues.

White House reporters revealed to CNN that the fear of "blowback" from the administration and its supporters played a significant role in their decision to minimize coverage of Biden’s health issues.

Pressure From The White House

One anonymous White House reporter told CNN, "It's clear the age stories that have angered the White House (and the liberal Twittersphere) the most." This admission underscores the extent of the pressure felt by journalists who cover the administration.

The environment created by the White House and its liberal allies on social media meant that any reporting on Biden’s cognitive decline could result in a backlash that many journalists were unwilling to face.

As these revelations came to light, it became evident that the media's decisions were influenced heavily by a desire to avoid provoking anger from powerful political entities and public figures.

Greenwald's Criticism Of Media Behavior

Prominent journalist Glenn Greenwald took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to criticize the behavior of these media organizations. He argued that a fear-driven decision-making process should not dictate journalistic integrity.

"If you won't report major stories about the most powerful people in the country, all because you're afraid of provoking anger from the WH, Democrats, or 'the liberal Twittersphere,' you are many things," Greenwald wrote. " 'Journalist' is not one of them. It's so pathetic."

Greenwald continued his critique by stating, "I 100% believe that a desperate desire to avoid angering the WH, Democrats, and 'the liberal Twittersphere' is absolutely the main motivation for most people who work in corporate media. Why don't they just go work for the WH or the Democratic Party?"

Media's Role In Shaping Public Perception

The admission by major media outlets that they deliberately downplayed concerns about Biden’s health raises questions about their role in shaping public perception. By withholding information, they risked failing in their duty to keep the public accurately informed.

For many Americans, this revelation is a significant breach of trust. Shifts in media narratives could have tangible effects on public opinion and, by extension, democratic processes.

It remains to be seen how this admission will impact the credibility of these media outlets in the eyes of their audience. A transparent and unbiased press is crucial for the healthy functioning of a democracy.

The Importance Of Unbiased Reporting

In light of these revelations, the importance of unbiased reporting cannot be overstated. Journalists are expected to report the truth, irrespective of potential backlash or controversy it might stir.

The fear of angering powerful entities should not supersede the journalistic obligation to inform the public. This incident serves as a reminder of the core principles of press freedom and integrity.

Moving forward, it will be essential for media outlets to reassess their editorial policies and the factors influencing their reporting decisions.


President Joe Biden's debate performance has reignited discussions about his mental and physical fitness, which the media had downplayed due to apprehensions of backlash from the White House and Democrats.

Mainstream outlets are now reevaluating their approach after admitting to minimizing these concerns. As transparency and impartiality in journalism come into focus, the trust between the media and the public faces a critical test.