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Majority of Democrats Prioritize Abortion in 2024 Presidential Vote

 September 28, 2024

A recent poll shows that nearly six in ten Democrats would base their 2024 vote solely on a candidate’s position on abortion, highlighting the continued importance of this issue within the party.

A YouGov poll conducted in mid-August 2024 found that 58% of Democrats are willing to cast their vote based entirely on abortion, marking a significant contrast to the views of Republicans and independents, as Breitbart reports.

The survey, which ran from Aug. 14-17, 2024, included responses from 1,134 U.S. adults and carries a margin of error of ±4 percentage points. According to the findings, Democrats are far more likely than other groups to be single-issue voters when it comes to abortion.

In the poll, 58% of Democrats said they would cast their vote solely based on a candidate’s stance on abortion, while 26% said they would not, and 17% remained unsure. The numbers reflect a sharp difference compared to independents and Republicans, with far fewer of those groups making abortion the only issue that determines their vote.

Fewer Independents and Republicans Single-Issue Voters

Independents showed more division on the issue, with 31% indicating they would vote solely on abortion, while 43% said they would not. Another 26% were undecided. Among Republicans, only 22% said they would cast their ballot based on abortion alone, while 58% rejected the idea of being single-issue voters. About 20% of Republicans were uncertain on the matter.

Overall, the poll revealed that 37% of all U.S. citizens would vote strictly on a candidate’s abortion stance. However, this is a notable decline from July 2022, when 47% of respondents said they would vote based on this issue alone.

Shift in National Sentiment Since 2022

The 10% drop from 2022 reflects a broader shift in national sentiment regarding abortion. In 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade mobilized many voters, especially Democrats, who saw the ruling as a threat to reproductive rights. By 2024, while abortion remains a critical issue for many, the overall intensity appears to have waned somewhat.

Despite the overall decline, Democrats are still highly motivated by the abortion issue, with many candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris, placing it at the forefront of their campaigns.

Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has made several pledges related to reproductive rights, including signing a bill to federalize abortion laws and exploring measures like ending the Senate filibuster to advance such legislation.

Gender Differences in Abortion Voting

The YouGov poll also highlighted gender differences in views on abortion. Women were more likely than men to prioritize abortion when casting their vote, with 42% of women saying they would base their decision solely on this issue, compared to 32% of men.

Meanwhile, 49% of men said they would not vote solely based on abortion, compared to 36% of women. Around 22% of women and 20% of men were unsure about whether they would let abortion be the deciding factor in their vote.

Democrats Push Abortion to the Forefront

As Democrats prepare for the November 2024 election, the party is heavily focusing on abortion as a key campaign issue. This emphasis reflects their efforts to mobilize voters who feel strongly about protecting abortion access. In addition to Harris’s national platform, the issue will appear on the ballot in ten states, where Democrats hope it will boost turnout.

The importance of abortion in the 2024 election cycle is underscored by the fact that more Democrats now view it as their primary voting issue compared to earlier polling. An NBC News poll from November 2023 showed that only 24% of Democrats said they would base their vote solely on abortion at that time. The latest YouGov poll shows a significant rise in that figure over the past year.

Abortion's Role in the Broader Election

Abortion is expected to play a decisive role in key races across the country, especially in swing states where the issue could tip the balance. Democrats hope to use abortion rights to appeal to voters, especially women, and to counter Republican positions on the issue.

While abortion remains a high priority for a large portion of the Democratic base, the YouGov poll suggests that it may not be as dominant an issue for other voter groups. Republicans and independents appear to be less focused on abortion, with many looking at a broader range of issues when deciding whom to support in November.

The poll’s findings illustrate the sharp divide between political parties on abortion, even as the overall number of single-issue voters on the topic declines. For Democrats, abortion continues to be a driving force in the 2024 election, with the party positioning itself as the defender of reproductive rights against a Republican platform that largely opposes abortion access.

Uncertainty Among Voters

One noteworthy aspect of the poll is the high percentage of undecided voters. Across all political affiliations, 21% of respondents said they were unsure about whether they would base their vote on abortion alone. This level of uncertainty suggests that while abortion is a critical issue, many voters are still weighing other factors as they approach the 2024 election.

As November approaches, both parties are likely to continue emphasizing their positions on abortion in an effort to sway these undecided voters. Whether or not abortion will be the deciding issue for most Americans remains to be seen, but for Democrats, it is clear that the issue holds significant weight.