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Man forced to undergo psychiatric eval for questioning COVID policy

 March 30, 2023

A Georgetown University law school graduate was looked on as being possibly mentally unstable because he questioned the school's mask policy when he was a student in 2021.

William Spruance said he was suspended and forced to go through a psychiatric evaluation and endure a hostile environment created by administrators because he questioned the COVID policies the school implemented, which included mask mandates, according to Fox News.

Spruance speaking out about negative impact of COVID policies

Today, Spruance is a practicing attorney and is making a point of speaking out about his experience at the college, and how the college administration responded to his questions, according to the Daily Mail.

"So after I was encouraged to give a speech to a student council-type group at Georgetown, I received an email that I was indefinitely suspended from the school, that I'd have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and waive my right to medical confidentiality," Spruance said during a "Tucker Carlson Tonight" show on Monday.

Spruance said the psychiatric evaluation began with, "...kind of innocuous questions like, 'Do you ever get angry?' Followed by 'Do you get angry about masks? And then do masks make you want to hurt anybody?'  So it was an ongoing cycle of questions that were designed to make me seem unhinged for being willing to question their COVID policies."

When Spruance was asked if any of the administration were willing to sit down and have a balanced conversation with him, he said they were very unwilling.

"I found that individual professors were willing to have the conversation with me behind closed doors, but they wished to remain anonymous. As for the administrators, there was no such luck," he said.

He went on to indicate that while they said their response to his questions was COVID related, that he believed he was observing that, " was really part of a much larger cycle of events at Georgetown Law.

Others were singled out and negatively treated for questioning policies

"We had people like Sandra Sellers and Ilya Shapiro, who were thrown out of the institution just for being willing to question campus orthodoxies. And it was part of an ongoing double standard where if you're progressive and you regurgitate the proper slogans, then there's an indemnity built into shouting down speakers," Spruance said.

"If you're willing to question the orthodoxy of campus, then they'll bring the whole horde of administrators against you and work to professionally and socially and reputationally destroy you," Spruance added.

He went on to note that the experience doesn't leave him feeling very positive about the future of the school, its graduates, or the impact those graduates will have in the future roles they play in the workforce, some of which could possibly be on a national level in the United Sates.

"I made it out of this process relatively unharmed. I mean, it was about a week that was difficult in my life. But going forward, people have come out to me since my piece was released about similar stories, and they're going through far worse than me," he said.

Impact of COVID policies on students in general

In general, students didn't fare well in response to policies implemented in connection to COVID, and the full impact of that is still being unraveled.

However, after 18 months school closures and isolation, the grief, anxiety and depression had a significant impact that also caused challenges in the classroom, according to Pew.

Teachers and administrators saw an increase in violence and bullying in schools.

There was also a negative impact on mental health that was severe.

Emergency room visits among those in the age range of 12-17 years old in connection to attempted suicide soared 31% in 2020 when compared to suicide attempts in 2019, according to the CDC.

In June of 2020, another survey found that adults in the age range of 18-24 years old struggled with thoughts of suicide over the past 30 days because of the pandemic, according to the CDC.