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Manchin 2024 rumors heat up as he travels to New Hampshire event

 December 31, 2023

Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia has captured attention with his planned presence at the "Politics & Eggs" forum in New Hampshire.

This event, scheduled for Jan. 12, is traditionally a platform for presidential hopefuls, thus intensifying conjecture about Manchin's potential candidacy for the White House in 2024, as the Washinton Examiner reported.

His decision to participate in this forum comes amid his consideration of a presidential run, as he previously admitted in a CNN interview, though he has yet to announce officially.

Launching Americans Together

Along with his New Hampshire visit, Manchin will kickstart a national tour for his newly formed organization, Americans Together.

This initiative aims to create a middle ground for voters, aligning political outcomes closely with public sentiment.

Last month, Manchin declared that he would not seek reelection to the Senate next year.

This announcement sparked curiosity about the West Virginia Democrat's future plans.

It simultaneously reignited concerns among Democrats about the potential impact of his participation in the presidential race.

There is particular concern among some with regard to the effect it could have on Joe Biden's chances in the 2024 election.

Presidential Aspirations and Third-Party Considerations

Manchin's potential run in the 2024 presidential race poses several questions, particularly regarding his party affiliation.

He has not ruled out running as an independent or aligning with a third-party group, such as No Labels.

The decision could hinge, however, upon determination of a viable path to victory and nationwide ballot access.

No Labels, currently with ballot access in 12 states, has faced criticism from some Democrats for potentially dividing the vote and jeopardizing Biden's chances against former President Donald Trump.

Manchin, however, has dismissed these concerns, asserting his intention not to be a disruptive factor in the race.

On NBC's Meet the Press, he stated, "I've never been a spoiler in my life of anything, and I would never be a spoiler now."

The Decision Timeline

With the caucus and primary season commencing in January, Manchin's window for announcing a definitive decision on his presidential aspirations is narrowing.

He has hinted that a decision could be forthcoming around Super Tuesday in early March.