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Manchin responds to climate protesters at New Hampshire diner

 January 18, 2024
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) addressed the concerns of climate protesters at a New Hampshire diner while reflecting on the political landscape and his own future.Manchin, representing West Virginia, encountered a group of protesters from a climate activist organization during his visit to a diner in New Hampshire.

The demonstrators, part of a group known as Climate Defiance, openly challenged Manchin's energy policies, emphasizing their demand for an end to reliance on fossil fuels. The confrontation escalated when one protester obstructed Manchin's vehicle. Despite this, Manchin remained composed, attributing the recurring protests to paid activism and highlighting their unwillingness to engage in productive dialogue, as reported by FOX News.

Manchin's perspective on climate activism

During an interview with FOX & Friends, Manchin expressed his views on the recurring encounters with protesters.

He suggested that these activists are not open to understanding or discussing his stance on energy matters.

Instead, their primary aim is to disrupt and make their voices heard, irrespective of the conversation's content. He said:

They don't want to listen. I said we are providing more secured energy today and investing in the energy of the future… It's just the way they are. They have one goal and one goal only, and that's the rights of Americans, but they don't have the right to come in private establishments… I don't see them being harmful. They're just very loud and boisterous and want to be disruptive.

Manchin clarified his approach towards balancing the need for clean energy and maintaining the existing fossil fuel industry.

He emphasized the importance of innovation over elimination, advocating for the development of carbon-free technologies to achieve environmental goals without dismantling current energy infrastructures.

Manchin's political stance and future

The West Virginia senator has been a unique figure in the political arena, securing a win in a predominantly Republican state in 2018.

Despite the challenges, Manchin's moderate stance has often placed him at odds with more progressive elements within his party.

This dynamic became evident when he was asked about his potential involvement in the upcoming presidential election, particularly in the context of a possible rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Manchin suggested:

If there is a pathway forward, I’ve always been involved and very competitive, I would get involved. I'm going to definitely want to win and I'm going to fight to win. I'm not going to go in there just trying to harm somebody or help somebody else. I want to make sure we create a different option bringing people together.

Manchin's remarks hint at a cautious yet open approach to the idea of running for president.

While he refrains from confirming his candidacy, he acknowledges the possibility of stepping into the race if a viable path emerges, stressing the importance of offering an alternative that unites rather than divides.

Biden's administration through Manchin's eyes

Discussing the current administration, Manchin expressed concerns about the direction President Biden is being pushed towards.

He believes that a more centrist or center-left approach aligns better with the nation's core values and decision-making processes. This perspective extends to economic policies and broader national issues.

He added:

I think President Biden has been pushed too far to the left… He should be coming back to the center or center left, which is where we make most of our decisions. That's where the economy is, that's where the country is.

Additionally, Manchin highlighted the border situation as a significant challenge for the Biden administration.

He urged the White House to recognize the severity of the issue and consider declaring a national emergency to address the border crisis effectively, especially if Congress fails to reach a consensus on a comprehensive plan.


  • Sen. Joe Manchin faced climate protesters at a New Hampshire diner, emphasizing a need for dialogue over disruption.
  • Manchin advocates for a balanced approach to energy policy, focusing on technological innovation rather than the elimination of existing industries.
  • The senator's political future remains a topic of speculation, with potential implications for the upcoming presidential race.
  • Concerns about the Biden administration's direction and policies, particularly regarding the political spectrum and border security, are highlighted by Manchin.