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Manchin threatens Biden by not ruling out independent presidential run

 January 19, 2024

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D) is contemplating a presidential bid, posing a potential challenge to President Joe Biden's re-election efforts.

In a surprising twist in the political landscape, Manchin has long hinted at the possibility of launching a presidential campaign of his own

This move could significantly impact Biden's chances of re-election. Manchin, a well-known moderate Democrat, discussed his thoughts during a recent gathering in Connecticut, sparking speculation and concern within his party, the Western Journal reported.

Manchin's discussions at a Connecticut gathering

The event was held at the home of Robert Dilenschneider, a communications specialist, and Manchin openly spoke about the potential of his candidacy.

This event, reported by Fox Business, has since been the talk of the political world. At 76, the outgoing senator expressed his intention to meet President Biden soon, aiming to influence him towards more centrist policies.

According to Manchin, if Biden fails to align more with the center, he might consider running for president himself. This bold statement comes at a time of increasing polarization in American politics, when Manchin has often been seen as a bridge between the two dominant parties.

The role of No Labels in Manchin's potential bid

No Labels, a centrist political organization known for its significant funding from some of the nation's wealthiest political donors, could play a pivotal role in Manchin's potential campaign.

Despite the lack of clarity on how Manchin's campaign infrastructure would be established, his partnership with No Labels indicates a serious consideration of a presidential bid.

However, the feasibility of Manchin appearing on ballots nationwide in November remains uncertain. This uncertainty adds to the intrigue surrounding his possible candidacy and its implications for the Democratic Party and the 2024 presidential election.

Manchin's stance and activities hint at presidential ambitions

Despite not officially declaring his candidacy, Manchin's recent activities have raised eyebrows.

His appearance in New Hampshire, a critical state for presidential primaries, was particularly notable.

During an event at St. Anselm College, he emphasized his dedication to the country's well-being, hinting at his readiness to take on any role necessary to 'save the country.'

However, Manchin has been careful not to label himself as a potential spoiler in the presidential race. During an interview on Fox News Sunday, he vehemently denied any intention to disrupt the election for the sake of it. He asserted:

Let me just say I have never been a spoiler, nor will I ever be a spoiler on any election. If I’m involved, I’m involved to win. But to be a spoiler for the sake of throwing the election one way or the other, I would never do.

The uncertain impact of a Manchin presidential campaign

The impact of a potential Manchin presidential campaign on Biden's prospects remains a topic of speculation.

Manchin's unique position in the Senate as a Democrat who often bridges party divides suggests that his candidacy could attract voters from both major parties.

His comment about the difficulties both parties face with their candidates highlights the current political unrest and the potential for an independent candidate to disrupt the traditional two-party competition.

While Biden has not publicly addressed the possibility of Manchin's independent run, the silence adds to the suspense and concern within the Democratic Party. The upcoming Super Tuesday primaries on March 5 might shed more light on Manchin's decision, as he indicated that a decision might come after this critical date in the presidential primary calendar.


  • Sen. Joe Manchin is considering a presidential bid, which could challenge President Joe Biden's re-election efforts.
  • Manchin's potential candidacy has been discussed in a gathering in Connecticut, and his partnership with No Labels suggests serious consideration of a presidential campaign.
  • Manchin's recent activities and statements indicate a dedication to the country's well-being and a denial of any intention to be a spoiler in the presidential race.
  • The impact of Manchin's potential candidacy on the presidential race is uncertain, but it introduces a new dynamic into the political landscape.