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Many U.S. Senators have been issued taxpayer-funded satellite phones

 May 24, 2023

The next wave of the future in mobile phone technology has been made available, and it's specifically being extended to the U.S. Senate at taxpayer expense.

Taxpayer-funded satellite phones have been made available to the entire U.S. Senate, though only about 50 senators have taken advantage of the offer so far. It has not been indicated which senators have decided to accept the offer, according to Daily Wire.

Why Satellite Phones Have Been Offered

The reason for the technology shift from regular cell phones to satellite phones is being touted as one of security. There are apparent concerns among some members about their safety while in Washington D.C., as well as when they travel.

In addition, the satellite phones are being offered in case there is an emergency that would wipe out regular means of communications in the United States, such as a technological or cyber disaster, a natural disaster, or a war involving the release of nuclear or EMP weapons.

Those who have been issued a phone have been told to always keep the phone within arm's reach, according to The Gateway Pundit.

Senate Sergent at Arms Karen Gibson has been on the forefront of the technology shift for members of the Senate.

Gibson said in a testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee last month that satellite phones were being made available, "to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event," according to CBS News.

In addition, she said the phones were intended for emergency use, in case of an emergency that "takes out communications" in part of or all over America.

Security Upgrades Made to Congressional Office Spaces

Gibson also detailed other security measures that have been put in place.

"Our team provided initial physical security enhancements for 31 offices and improved existing security for 52 others in 2022. Maintaining security systems in good working order is a priority, and to support this effort our team conducted over 622 service calls to maintain, repair, and or test and inspect state office physical security systems in 2022."

There has also been a Homeland Security advisory indicating that the satellite phones would be used to coordinate government services in the event of a "man-made" or natural disaster that in some way prevents standard communication.

Senate members have been invited by Gibson to an area in the basement of the Russell Senate Office Building where they can view a demonstration highlighting security upgrades such as a "duress button," devices for mail screening, and other security options in the event of various potential attacks.

As the 2024 elections approach, various members of congress have coordinated with the police departments in the districts they represent to offer increased security that goes beyond what's been seen in the past so that town halls and other election activities will maintain adequate security.

Some Question if the Security Upgrades are a Subtle Warning of Looming Disaster

The timing of the availability of the new technology in conjunction with the approaching 2024 elections has caused concern for some that there is more going on than just the safety of U.S. Senators.

Deteriorating relations with Russia and one of its allies, China, in connection to the war in Ukraine, has had the White House taking some of its own security measures.

On October 4th of 2022, the Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response published a press release in which it reported that the Department of Health and Human Services was "...purchasing a supply of the drug Nplate from Amgen USA Inc; Nplate is approved to treat blood cell injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome in adult and pediatric patients (ARS)."

It's also believed by some that the Chinese spy balloons that have been caught floating over the United States are China's way of testing for the potential success level of an EMP strike on the United States, according to Off Grid Survival.