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Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces articles of impeachment against FBI Director Wray

By Sarah May on
 May 18, 2023

Amid damning revelations contained Special Counsel John Durham's recent report on the Russia collusion probe and a host of new whistleblower allegations concerning weaponization of the FBI, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) has introduced articles of impeachment against the agency's director, Christopher Wray, as Fox News reports.

Greene's articles were filed on Tuesday, and in them, the congresswoman claims that during his tenure leading the agency, Wray has overseen “the development of a Federal police force to intimidate, harass, and entrap American citizens that are deemed enemies of the Biden regime.”

Wray's Impeachment Sought

The basis for Greene's articles of impeachment against Wray was laid out in detail by a press release from her office, in which the lawmaker began by accusing the FBI head of turning the FBI “into Joe Biden and [Attorney General] Merrick Garland's personal police force.”

Greene went on to articulate a series of accusations leveled by internal whistleblowers she believes are significant enough to warrant Wray's impeachment, beginning with those of Garret O'Boyle, who informed congressional investigators about a terrorist threat tag created by the FBI in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs abortion ruling last summer, which he said was designed to target pro-life Americans.

The congresswoman also cited revelations from whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, who provided documentation purporting to show that the FBI engaged in targeting of “Traditional Latin Mass Catholics,” a group an internal agency memo suggested is known for harboring “white supremacy.”

The Republican firebrand went on to discuss the involvement of FBI informants in the case involving a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as well as the FBI's 2022 raid of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, juxtaposing the treatment he received with that afforded to President Joe Biden amid his own classified documents controversy.

“Unprecedented and Partisan”

After her recitation of the aforementioned group of alleged offenses, Greene declared, “[n]ot only has Director Wray persecuted political opponents in an unprecedented and partisan way, but he has also overseen his agency taking actions to shield and protect the current president and his family.”

“A senior FBI official left the agency under a cloud of accusations that he shielded a laptop belong to the president's son, Robert Hunter Biden, from a criminal probe,” Greene stated.

The Georgia Republican continued, “It is unacceptable for the Director of the FBI or any civil officer to exercise his power in a way that targets one political class while doing favors for the other.”

Contending that Wray, “in his failure to uphold the oath he took, has, by his actions, lost the trust of citizens of the United States to faithfully execute the laws of the United States,” Greene asserted that the FBI director “has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to the justice system” of the country “if allowed to remain in office.”

Additional Articles Introduced

Tuesday also saw Greene introduce impeachment articles against U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves, as The Hill notes.

Earlier in the day, Greene explained during a House Oversight Committee hearing that Graves had declined to prosecute 67% of all those arrested by police officers in the District of Columbia but is insistent on pursuing prosecutions of those accused of engaging in misconduct on Jan. 6, 2021.

“The time for weaponizing the Department of Justice needs to come to an end. And because you refuse to prosecute real criminals that are violating all the crimes here in Washington, D.C., and you want to talk about D.C. residents, they are victims of your abuse of power.”

In response to Greene's introduction of articles against the FBI director and the U.S. Attorney, a DOJ spokesperson issued a statement defending both men, saying, “Every day, Director Wray and U.S. Attorney Graves lead teams of career officials, many of whom put themselves in harm's way, to counter threats to our national security and fight violent crime. Their work and their service are critical to the safety and security of our country and our nation's capital.”

Whistleblowers Set to Testify

In a development that may serve to bolster Greene's contentions, at least with regard to Wray's leadership of the agency in his charge, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (OH-04) held a press conference Thursday morning providing a preview of testimony three FBI whistleblowers were set to provide shortly thereafter, as Fox News reported separately.

The congressman outlined some of the stories the witnesses were poised to tell, stating that the FBI's leadership in D.C. Was responsible for pressuring the entire organization to drift in a particular political direction.

“If you're a parent attending a school board meeting; if you're a pro-lifer praying at a clinic, or you're a Catholic simply going to mass, you are a target of the government, a target of the FBI,” said Jordan.

Echoing those conclusions was Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL-01) who blamed much of the bad conduct coming out of the FBI on top brass in Washington, saying, “A lot of the rot, the committee has learned, emerges out of headquarters, out of the Washington field office.” Whether these assertions – or Greene's impeachment efforts – will gain any traction, however, is something that remains to be seen.