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Marjorie Taylor Greene's Bid To Remove Speaker Mike Johnson Fails After Intervention

 May 9, 2024

Amidst sharp debates and political maneuvering, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene's attempt to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson ended in failure following intervention by former President Donald Trump.

The motion led by Rep. Greene to remove Speaker Johnson was defeated with significant opposition, marking a notable setback for her, Mail Online reported.
On a Wednesday evening, former President Donald Trump reached out to Rep. Greene, advising her to stand down from her effort to vacate the Speaker.Although Trump expressed his support for Greene, he emphasized that it was not the appropriate time for such a motion, urging Republicans to vote to table it.

The House Reacts To Greene's Motion

The subsequent vote in the House to table Greene's motion saw overwhelming numbers, with a tally of 359 to 43 against her proposal. This event illustrated the steep uphill battle Greene faced in rallying support within her own party.

Only 10 of her Republican colleagues sided with her to advance the motion to vacate the speaker's chair. The motion, had it been successful, would have removed Mike Johnson from his leadership role, echoing the chaotic scenes witnessed in past congressional sessions.

Political Dynamics and Criticism

Johnson's comments after the vote hinted at a desire to move beyond what he termed "personality politics and frivolous character assassination." His remarks followed a rapid, 30-minute process to resolve the motion, which ultimately retained his position as Speaker.

During the proceedings, Greene faced not only the numerical disadvantage but also verbal opposition from her peers, including boos and critical remarks from fellow Republicans, who accused her of throwing a "tantrum."

Strategic Disagreements and Party Tensions

Greene's criticism of Johnson centered on his leadership decisions, particularly his management of a $95 billion foreign policy bill which relied heavily on Democratic support due to the narrow Republican majority in the House. She accused him of aiding Democrats and failing to secure the border effectively.

This incident has highlighted the divisions within the Republican Party, as reflected in the mixed support for Johnson's ousting compared to the previous ouster of Speaker Kevin McCarthy. More Republicans voted against Johnson than they did against McCarthy in a prior similar scenario.

Challenges of Governing with a Slim Majority

The tension was palpable as members of Congress expressed their frustrations. Rep. Dave Joyce remarked humorously about the need for a bar in such times, while Rep. Carlos Gimenez scolded Greene, proclaiming, "You’re not the Republican Party!"

Rep. Mike Lawler's comment, calling Greene "Moscow Marjorie," and suggesting she had "gone off the deep end," perhaps due to a "space laser," brought a moment of levity to the otherwise tense proceedings.

Greene's Response and Future Prospects

Despite the setback, Greene remained defiant, criticizing the excuses given for the government's performance as "pathetic, weak, and unacceptable." She stressed that even with a slim majority, efforts could have been made to secure the border more effectively.

Trump's supportive but cautionary stance toward Greene's efforts was reflected in his statements praising her spirit and fight, while also highlighting the risks of disunity within the party.

Conclusion: Revisiting Congressional Dynamics

In conclusion, Greene’s motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson’s position was marked by significant opposition both from within her party and across the aisle.

This event not only showcases the complex dynamics within the Republican Party but also serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in governing with a razor-thin majority.

As Johnson hoped, this may signal a move towards more stable governance, free from the throes of personality clashes and political gambits.