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Mark Levin Calls for Disbarment ff Alvin Bragg Over Alleged Legal Misconduct

 May 19, 2024
On Fox News, conservative commentator Mark Levin called for the disbarment of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, accusing him of multiple legal violations.Levin critiqued Bragg's handling of the case against former President Donald Trump on Sean Hannity’s show, as Breitbart reports, suggesting that the D.A.'s law license should be revoked.

A well-known conservative pundit, Levin, voiced strong criticisms on Fox News' Hannity, targeting New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s prosecutorial conduct. He outlined several alleged legal missteps by Bragg, including violations of constitutional rights.

The Start of Levin's Criticisms

Levin’s critique focused on what he sees as Bragg's improper application of a defunct state statute and ambiguous federal campaign laws. This, Levin argues, constitutes a threat to legal fairness and justice.

He claimed that these actions by Bragg could potentially merit disbarment due to their severity and impact on the judicial process. His accusations were not just about the handling of laws but also about the ethical conduct expected of a prosecutor.

Legal Foundations and Accusations

The crux of Levin’s argument rests on the Brady vs. Maryland case. According to Levin, Bragg may have violated this Supreme Court ruling which mandates that prosecutors must disclose all exculpatory evidence to the defense.

Levin highlighted the importance of this ruling for ensuring justice and accused Bragg of withholding critical evidence that could have been favorable to Trump’s defense.

Adding to this, Levin referred to Robert Costello, who could have provided testimony contradicting the prosecution’s claims. However, his participation was curtailed, leading to further accusations of unfairness.

Broadening the Critique

Levin extended his critique to other legal analysts and authorities who have questioned Bragg's interpretation and application of the law. Former FEC chairman Brad Smith was mentioned as one of the critics, especially regarding the treatment of non-disclosure agreements as campaign contributions.

According to Smith, such interpretations by Bragg stretch the legal boundaries of campaign finance laws, thus misrepresenting their intent and application.

These criticisms highlight a broader concern among some legal professionals about the potential overreach and misapplication of campaign finance laws in prosecutorial practices.

Legal and Public Reactions

Levin’s remarks sparked a mix of support and controversy. While many of his supporters lauded his forthright approach, others cautioned against what they saw as an overly aggressive attack on a legal figure.

Sean Hannity, the host of the show on which Levin made his statements, called him "the great one," endorsing his harsh critique of Bragg’s actions.

The discussion also touched on the late emergence of approximately 30,000 pages of documents from the U.S. attorney’s office, which Levin pointed out could compromise the defense’s ability to prepare effectively, further suggesting a breach of due process.

Summing Up the Allegations

Throughout his appearance on Hannity, Levin maintained that Bragg’s actions were indicative of a broader disregard for legal norms and procedures. He specifically accused Bragg of supporting perjury and violating the Supreme Court’s Brady ruling.

"This case now is about Alvin Bragg," Levin stated, emphasizing that the focus should be on alleged legal missteps and their implications for justice.

His call for disbarment is grounded in these alleged violations, which he believes fundamentally undermine the integrity of the legal process.


In conclusion, Mark Levin’s detailed critique on Fox News paints a picture of a prosecutor allegedly straying far from established legal norms.

His call for the disbarment of Alvin Bragg centers around supposed violations of constitutional rights, mishandling of legal statutes, and the crucial Brady rule.

Levin’s discourse highlights deep divides in perceptions of justice and prosecutorial conduct in high-profile cases.