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Maryland Democrat threatened to ‘execute’ delivery man

 May 16, 2023

A sitting member of Congress from Maryland who is running for a U.S. Senate seat is now under fire for making threats against a delivery man in a 2021 incident.

Democratic Rep. David Trone (MD-06), co-owner of a large national chain of liquor stores, is alleged to have threatened to "execute" and "f--king end" a delivery man at one of his stores in Arizona, the Daily Mail reported.

Per a police report filed in the alleged 2021 incident, Trone is said to have become angry over a stack of merchandise left on the floor in the middle of an aisle and proceeded to make threats against the employment and lives of the delivery man and his assistant.

Congressman Allegedly Made Threats Against Deliverymen

The Spectator reported exclusively this week on a police report it obtained in relation to a December 2021 incident at the Total Wine & More location in Tempe, Arizona that involved Rep. Trone getting into an argument with Cody Huard, an employee of Crescent Crown Distributing, and an assistant, Hunter Olsen, while they were delivering merchandise to the store.

According to the police report, Trone became angry after Huard left a stack of merchandise sitting on the floor in the middle of the store that blocked an aisle while he returned to the truck to help Olsen unload more goods, which led Trone, accompanied by a pair of store managers, to engage in a confrontation with Huard at the back of the delivery truck.

Trone is alleged to have made multiple threats against Huard and Olsen, such as "I will f--king end you," "I will execute you," and "You’re not on my payroll, I will end you right now," among other things.

Huard claimed to have felt threatened and intimidated by Trone's remarks and called the police to request that charges be filed and Trone be prosecuted.

Witness Accounts Confirm Argument, Downplay Threats of Physical Harm

The Spectator reported that the police report went on to reveal that officers had interviewed the three witnesses to the incident, including Huard's assistant Olsen, as well as Rep. Trone's two employees, district manager Steven Gordon and store manager Jacqueline Saenz, who all confirmed that the confrontation had occurred.

Olsen told the police that he understood Trone to have "threatened their employment, stating he could get them fired," but also that Trone "did not threaten to physically harm them."

District manager Gordon stated that company policy prohibited merchandise from being stacked on the floor and that Trone, who was visiting the store, became "upset" and began "yelling" at Huard over that violation. Gordon acknowledged that Trone was "very rude" to the pair of delivery men but "did not threaten to harm them physically" and had left the store before the police had arrived.

A similar account was shared by store manager Saenz, who also stated that her boss had "yelled" at the deliverymen but hadn't threatened to actually physically harm them.

It is unclear if Trone was ever actually charged in the incident, according to The Spectator, though the outlet claimed that Arizona law enforcement sources say he would have faced a misdemeanor charge for "threatening and intimidating" behavior against others if so.

The outlet further noted that the Maryland congressman has had a few run-ins with the law and state authorities in the past, including allegations of criminal solicitation and tampering with public records, among other things.

Prolific Donor Vows to Self-Fund Senate Campaign if Necessary

Politico reported earlier this month that Rep. Trone had formally announced a U.S. Senate campaign to replace retiring Democratic Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, and had even suggested that he was willing to spend up to $50 million of his own personal wealth to emerge victorious from what is expected to be a crowded Democratic primary field for that Senate seat.

Trone, a prolific donor to numerous Democratic politicians, political action committees, and state parties, has previously spent tens of millions of dollars of his own money on his prior congressional bids.

That includes $13 million spent in 2016 in an unsuccessful bid to win a district that covers the suburbs of Washington D.C. that was ultimately won by Democratic Rep. Jaime Raskin (MD-08) followed by $17 million of his own money in 2018 to successfully win the primary and general election for his current seat representing Maryland's 6th District, per Politico.

As of now, there are only a handful of Democrats who have formally launched campaigns to replace the outgoing Sen. Cardin, but it is widely anticipated that the field of candidates will eventually grow large and could include Raskin, who would likely enter the race as the front-runner for the Senate seat.