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Masked Men Attack Le Pen Party Candidate in France, Leaving Him Hospitalized

 June 23, 2024

A candidate for Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) was violently attacked and hospitalized by a group of masked assailants in Saint Étienne, France, sparking condemnation from Le Pen and highlighting the increasing violence in political campaigns.

The attack left RN candidate Hervé Breuil hospitalized after he suffered a stroke, as Breitbart reports.

Violent Attack in Saint Étienne

Breuil, a candidate for the French snap election representing Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN), was attacked by a group of masked individuals dressed in all black. The incident occurred in the city of Saint Étienne, located in the Loire region. The attackers targeted RN activists, including Breuil, who were present for campaign activities.

The assailants began by shouting at the campaigners, making it clear they were not welcome in the city. The confrontation quickly escalated as the attackers pushed around and insulted the activists. Projectiles, including rotten fruit, water, and flour, were thrown at the group.

Amidst the chaos, Breuil, a 70-year-old candidate with a pacemaker, was kicked during the assault. The violence resulted in Breuil suffering a stroke, necessitating his hospitalization. Additionally, an attempt was made to steal the phone of an individual who was recording the incident.

Le Pen Condemns the Attack

Le Pen, leader of the National Rally, strongly condemned the attack. She attributed the violence to “ultra-left militias” and emphasized the importance of non-violence in democratic electoral campaigns.

“Cowardly attacked by the ultra-left militias… our candidate in Saint-Etienne, is still hospitalized this evening. An electoral campaign in a democracy cannot allow this unleashing of ultra-violence from an extreme left ready to do anything to sow chaos,” she stated.

Le Pen's condemnation highlighted the broader issue of rising violence in political campaigns, not just in France but across Europe. The attack on Breuil is part of a series of violent incidents targeting populist politicians.

In addition to the Saint Étienne attack, other recent incidents include a stabbing at a political demonstration in Germany and the shooting of the Prime Minister in Slovakia. These events underscore the growing tension and hostility in political environments.

Ongoing Police Investigation

Following the attack, police have launched an investigation to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. The use of masks by the attackers has posed a challenge to the investigation, but authorities are determined to bring those responsible to justice.

The violent episode in Saint Étienne has raised concerns about the safety of political candidates and their supporters during election campaigns. The National Rally, along with other political parties, is calling for increased security measures to protect those involved in the democratic process.

The assault on Breuil has drawn widespread attention and has been widely condemned across the political spectrum. There is a growing call for unity against political violence, emphasizing the need for peaceful and respectful discourse in democratic societies.

Broader Implications of Political Violence

The attack on Breuil not only highlights the immediate physical dangers faced by political candidates but also points to the broader implications for democratic participation. Violence and intimidation can deter individuals from engaging in political activities, undermining the democratic process.

Political analysts suggest that increased polarization and the rise of extremist groups contribute to the escalating violence. The incident in Saint Étienne is a stark reminder of the need to address these underlying issues to ensure the safety and integrity of elections.

As the investigation continues, there is a concerted effort to strengthen measures against political violence. This includes increased security for candidates and stricter penalties for those who engage in such acts.


The attack on Hervé Breuil, a candidate for Marine Le Pen's National Rally, in Saint Étienne has drawn significant attention and condemnation. The violent assault, involving masked assailants, resulted in Breuil suffering a stroke and being hospitalized.

Le Pen blamed "ultra-left militias" for the attack and emphasized the need for non-violence in democratic campaigns.

The incident is part of a troubling trend of violence against populist politicians in Europe, prompting calls for increased security and unity against political violence.

As the police investigation continues, there is a growing recognition of the need to address the root causes of political violence to protect the democratic process.