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McCarthy believes FBI will turn over document Republicans say links Biden to crime

 May 22, 2023

After a Friday phone call with FBI Director Christopher Wray, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy claims that the bureau is finally willing to release a potentially damaging document involving President Biden. The document, which contains financial information, could tie the president to a “criminal scheme.”

The phone call happened the day after James Comer (KY-0), the House Oversight Committee Chair, and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) issued a subpoena for the document. A subpoena that the FBI rejected — a move that McCarthy found “unacceptable.”

However, in a Sunday interview with Fox News, McCarthy disclosed that the phone call turned out to be rather productive and that the FBI will likely hand over the documents very soon.

Accusing the FBI of breaching ethics and law, McCarthy said, “I explained to the director that we will do everything in our power, and [that] we have jurisdiction over the FBI — that we have the right to see this document.”

He ended with, “I believe, after this call, we will get this document.”

The Devil Is in the Details

Comer and Grassley claim the document in question is an FD-1023 form which will prove Biden had dealings with “a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions” during his time as vice president.

The document reportedly suggests that Biden took bribes while in office. If true, political experts believe this could hurt Biden’s chances of reelection.

McCarthy says the information within the document has been confirmed by a “highly credible” source. Grassley, however, is not so sure if the information is accurate.

No other information has been revealed about the contents of the document, as no one except the FBI has seen it.

Why So Secret?

For a while, it was unconfirmed whether the document is legitimate or if it even exists. Comer, however, says that the text within the FBI’s rejection letter is proof that the document is very real.

According to sources, the FBI’s response read, “An FD-1023 form documents information as told to a line FBI agent. Recording the information does not validate the information, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI.

“The mere existence of such a document would establish little beyond the fact that a confidential human source provided information and the FBI recorded it. The FBI regularly receives information from sources with significant potential biases, motivations, and knowledge, including drug traffickers, members of organized crime, or even terrorists.”

The six-page response also added that “Revealing unverified or possibly incomplete information could harm investigations, prejudice prosecutions or judicial proceedings, unfairly violate privacy or reputations, create misimpressions in the public, or potentially identify individuals who provide information to law enforcement, placing their physical safety at risk.”

Comer, suggesting that the FBI is deliberately hiding information from Congress, said, “It’s clear from the FBI’s response that the unclassified record the Oversight Committee subpoenaed exists, but they are refusing to provide it to the Committee.”

Grassley also did not take the rejection well and responded with, “Today’s letter from the FBI raises additional questions, including whether the FBI has an open investigation based on these allegations.”

Despite this, the FBI has yet to verify if any of the alleged claims about the document have any truth to them. Biden has also not responded to the recent developments.

Although the FBI has not officially agreed to release the document to Congress, McCarthy believes that the bureau is likely willing to cooperate.