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Report: Kevin McCarthy considering leaving US House

 November 13, 2023

The political landscape remains tense for former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as he weighs the possibility of leaving his post in the House following a dramatic ouster from his nine-month tenure at the helm of the chamber..

Despite his removal and belief that it was undeserved, in an interview with CNN, McCarthy voiced his continued commitment to the Republican cause, including support for his successor and the party's path forward as the 2024 elections loom.

Dispute with Party Defectors

McCarthy leveled a sharp critique of the so-called "crazy eight" GOP members, especially of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), the movement's figurehead, who fought hardest to end his speakership.

He accused Gaetz of orchestrating the ouster as a means to sidestep an ethics investigation, a claim Gaetz denies.

The former speaker said, "It’s driven by Gaetz, and it was all based upon an ethics complaint that happened in the last Congress. He would throw his country away to try to protect himself for what would come out as the truth."

In McCarthy's eyes, the eight lawmakers have strayed from conservative principles and allowed personal agendas to override the party's and country's interests.

Fundraising and Future Prospects

Despite the turmoil, McCarthy's role as a fundraising powerhouse cannot be understated; his efforts have brought in considerable funds, $637 million for the GOP, and this influence is something the party may miss.

However, McCarthy has indicated a willingness to assist the new speaker, Mike Johnson of Louisiana, in maintaining these crucial financial lifelines.

Dynamics with Party Leadership

The interview revealed McCarthy's intention to step aside and let new leadership take the reins, although he maintains a readiness to guide and advise when needed.

His rapport with current party leaders and former adversaries, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), remains professional, albeit strained in light of recent events.

Upholding Decisions Amidst Turmoil

In his remarks, McCarthy stood by his actions during his leadership, including the contentious decision to advance a stopgap funding bill, which he defended as necessary to keep the government operational.

Despite the criticisms and the challenges faced, McCarthy remains unapologetic for his choices, emphasizing the need for broad visions rather than narrow-mindedness in politics.

McCarthy's Stance on Trump's Candidacy

McCarthy has been a staunch defender of former President Trump, attributing his initial success in obtaining the speaker's gavel to Trump's support.

Despite facing criticism from Trump's camp for recently questioning whether he former president would be the best GOP candidate in 2024, McCarthy remains a firm ally.

The former speaker shared his insights on the political landscape for the upcoming election cycle. "I haven't endorsed, but I support President Trump," he confirmed, signaling his loyalty to the former president amidst ongoing legal challenges.

Further, McCarthy contrasted Trump's position with President Joe Biden's, hinting at a more challenging scenario for the current administration.

"But Biden's in a worse situation, right?" he posed, implying that the controversies surrounding Trump might be less detrimental than those facing Biden among key voter demographics.