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Meghan Markle devastated over South Park’s comedic portrayal of her: Report

 February 21, 2023

Comedy Central's popular satirical cartoon "South Park" is well known for routinely skewering celebrities of all sorts, and a recent episode quite obviously took several sharp jabs at the British Royal Family's Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Recent reports indicated that Markle was said to be extremely "upset and overwhelmed" by how the cartoon portrayed her, according to Fox News.

There had even been some rumors that the royal couple might consider pursuing legal action against the creators of "South Park," but a spokesperson dismissed such talk on Tuesday.

"South Park" shreds Harry and Meghan

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were not specifically named in the "South Park" episode that aired last week, but there was no mistaking who the characters dubbed "the prince and his wife" from Canada actually represented.

The episode was titled "The Worldwide Privacy Tour," and as that title would suggest, it featured a royal couple repeatedly demanding privacy while nevertheless repeatedly seeking out publicity.

The Markle-inspired character was described as a "sorority girl, actress, influencer, and victim," while the red-headed prince was promoting a tell-all book that complained about his royal relatives and was titled "Waaagh."

One scene in particular likely drew the real royal couple's ire, as the characters on the show appeared for an interview on "Good Morning Canada" in which the host asked the prince, "Isn't it true sir, that your questionable wife has her own TV show and hangs out with celebrities and does fashion magazines?"

The cartoon host then added for clarification, "Well, I just think that some people might say that your Instagram-loving b---h wife actually doesn't want her privacy," to which the prince angrily replied, "How dare you, sir! My Instagram-loving b---h wife has always wanted her privacy!"

Meghan reportedly "upset and overwhelmed"

According to the U.K.'s Spectator, sources close to Harry and Meghan said that Meghan was "upset and overwhelmed" by how she had been portrayed, and there were rumors that the "frustrated couple" were "taking it out on each other."

The unnamed sources were further revealed to have said that Meghan "is annoyed by 'South Park' but refuses to watch it all" due to the fact that she was currently "obsessed" with defamation litigation involving her half-sister, Samantha Markle, over things that Meghan had said in the royal couple's major interview last year with Oprah Winfrey.

There had also been some separate talk from royal commentator Neil Sean, according to Fox News, that the royal couple could be considering a defamation suit of their own against the Comedy Central cartoon.

"Their legal team are casting an eye over the episode to see what is wrong, and what could be turned into something more sinister. This appears to be their course of action rather than laughing it off, enjoying the moment, and showing the world that they get the joke," Sean said.

No lawsuit forthcoming against "South Park"

According to Newsweek, however, that is highly unlikely, as a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan told the outlet that any discussion of potential "legal ramifications" was "baseless and boring."

Indeed, numerous other commentators have now weighed in to point out that a lawsuit against the overtly "satirical cartoon" would not fare particularly well.

"I highly doubt Meghan and Harry are suing a satirical cartoon that famously ridicules everyone," U.S.-based royal commentator Kristen Meinzer told Newsweek. "If anything, they'll know they're in good company with other decent people who've been raked over the coals by the show."

A U.K.-based attorney, Mark Stephens, told the outlet that a potential lawsuit would undoubtedly fail in the United States, and though it might gain some traction in British courts, such action would be highly inadvisable, as it would show the entire world that the couple "can't take a joke."

"On the face of it, they can sue but there's a long and dishonorable tradition of people who sue about jokes not being successful," the attorney said. "If you're in the public eye, people feel you should be subject to comment and criticism, and satire is another form of comment and criticism."