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Melania Trump defies media, stands with her husband

By Sarah May on
 April 1, 2023

Despite her husband's recent indictment in case involving an alleged extramarital affair and related hush money payments, former first lady Melania Trump is standing in solidarity with her husband, according to the Daily Mail.

The first sign that Mrs. Trump plans to support the former president through his latest ordeal came Thursday evening when she appeared alongside him for a dinner event at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida where they reside.

United front

The Mail noted that Mrs. Trump, wearing a bold, red dress, joined her husband for the aforementioned meal, and stayed by one another for the duration of the evening, greeting club members and guests in attendance.

Mrs. Trump's visible show of support for her husband is notable, given the subject matter of the legal issues he is now facing, and considering that the entanglement in question is said to have occurred after the pair were married.

Though Mrs. Trump is reportedly not currently expected to travel to New York with the former president for his arraignment next week, the outlet suggested that a change in plans remains possible.

Providing insight into the former first lady's present posture, a source close to her told the Mail, “Mrs. Trump is strong. She is focused on her family and stands behind her husband, as she always has. For the past 7 years, the left has made multiple attempts to smear and attack her family, and this is just the latest attempt to bring him down.”

“False, but embarrassing”

Mrs. Trump's commanding personal presence could prove valuable to her husband as his case proceeds, not just in personal terms, but also with regard to the legal arguments he may choose to pursue, as the Mail further noted.

It is assumed that the charges against the former president allege that the payment he made to Stormy Daniels was a violation of federal campaign finance laws in that it was designed to help him win the presidency in 2016.

Trump attorney Joe Tacopina, however, contends that the money was “not directly related to the campaign” and that his client “made this with personal funds to prevent something coming out [that was] false, but embarrassing to himself, his family, his young son.”

As such, Tacopina argues, Trump made the payment in order to save his marriage to the woman who continues to stand by his side, offering her support, and for her to do so in such a visible manner now – after having reportedly been blindsided by and livid about the news when it first broke years ago – could arguably bolster that theory.

Tight inner circle

With all eyes turned to Florida and New York to see how the next chapter of the Trump indictment saga plays out, attention has also turned to how Melania Trump is coping with this latest set of challenges for her family.

According to sources who recently spoke to People, Mrs. Trump is drawing support from relatives who are closest to her, including her parents – who also live in Florida – and her 17-year-old son, Barron.

“Melania's friends are her family members,” said one Palm Beach insider. “Many Mar-a-Lago Club members and others know and see Melania. But they aren't friends. They don't get together and gab or socialize.

“She has always surrounded her self with family,” the source added.

“Doting mother”

According to People's source, Mrs. Trump is also “a doting mother to Barron and very protective of him.”

“Barron has always been a first priority in [Melania's] life. Of course, she is worried and concerned about the legal issues, but she has not done anything more to protect Barron now than she ever did. She has always put him first. She is a good mother,” the insider declared.

Mrs. Trump has reportedly also relied on the help of her mother and father, who the source says “are also close to Barron and have been instrumental in his rearing.”

According to the observer from Palm Beach, the Trumps “live in a fairy tale world and just deal with things as they come and seem to survive pretty well. They do what is possible to get past the problems without disrupting their lifestyle.” Even so, Mrs. Trump has hinted that a return to the White House for another term as first lady is not necessarily out of the question for her, musing on the subject last year, “Never say never.”