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Melania Trump May Influence Donald Trump’s VP Choice, Says Ex-Advisor

 June 23, 2024

David Urban, a former advisor to Donald Trump, recently discussed the potential influence of Melania Trump on the selection of a vice-presidential candidate for her husband’s possible upcoming campaign.

In a CNN interview, Urban emphasized Melania Trump’s close relationship and advisory role to the former president, suggesting she could sway his choice of running mate, as Breitbart reports.

Urban, who served as an advisor during Donald Trump's 2020 campaign, appeared on CNN's OutFront hosted by Erin Burnett. The topic of vice-presidential candidates was a key focus of their discussion.

The conversation covered potential candidates such as JD Vance, Doug Burgum, Marco Rubio, Don Jr., Tucker Carlson, and Steve Bannon.

Urban mentioned that Melania Trump has been in contact with these figures, positioning her to possibly influence the selection process.

He pointed out that Donald Trump takes advice from a wide range of people, from police officers during public appearances to billionaires at private fundraising events. However, Melania's influence remains significant in his decision-making process.

Melania Seen As Key Advisor In Trump’s Circle

During the CNN discussion, Urban highlighted Melania Trump’s role as perhaps the most significant advisor to Donald Trump. He expressed interest in knowing her personal preferences among the mentioned VP candidates.

"Melania Trump his wife right? I’d like to know who Melania likes, right? That’s really, you know, probably his closest adviser of all the people who weren’t mentioned, right? I think she has a great deal of influence over her husband and the president. She has been in these people’s presence, all three of them, if not more. So, it’d be interesting to see who she likes,” said Urban on the show.

This statement underscores the potentially pivotal role Melania could play in the upcoming electoral process, beyond the public's usual perception of her role.

Strategic Discussions on Vice Presidential Candidates

Burnett further queried Urban about who holds the most influence over Donald Trump's decision regarding his running mate. The question highlighted the various power players and their preferred candidates, with notable endorsements from figures like Sean Hannity for Rubio and Rupert Murdoch for Burgum.

Urban responded by emphasizing the wealth of options within the Republican party, referring to it as an "embarrassment of riches." This remark points to the strong lineup of potential vice-presidential candidates within the party.

"We have but an embarrassment of riches on the Republican side, their potential VP nominees. And so I think any one of them would be good. It’s the American voters who could they see standing in the shoes as the president of the United States. I think that’s the most important thing because that’s the role ultimately the vice president would play,” Urban elaborated.

The Implications of Vice Presidential Selection

The role of the vice president, as discussed by Urban, is not only to assist the president but also to be prepared to take over the presidency if needed. This aspect places a significant weight on the choice of a running mate.

Urban’s commentary sheds light on the strategic considerations that go into selecting a vice-presidential candidate, particularly in terms of their potential to step into the presidency.

He reiterated that despite various influences, Donald Trump would be the final decision-maker, likely announcing his choice right before the party convention, as per current reports.


In conclusion, David Urban's remarks on CNN's OutFront suggest a notable potential influence by Melania Trump in the selection of Donald Trump’s running mate.

Mrs. Trump's role as a close advisor and her interactions with potential candidates place her in a unique position to impact this decision.

The selection of a vice-presidential candidate is crucial, as it not only complements the presidential candidate but must also resonate with American voters, who may see this person as a future president.