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Speaker Mike Johnson reveals what Biden told him when asked about the border crisis

 March 1, 2024

House Speaker Mike Johnson (LA-04) disclosed on Wednesday specifically to what President Joe Biden attributed his inaction on the border crisis to Mexico.

During a conversation with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Johnson elaborated on his meeting with Biden at the White House, during which he advised the president on potential executive actions to address the border crisis.

However, Johnson asserted that Biden rejected the notion that he could use executive action to reinstate Trump-era policies such as "Remain in Mexico."

The reason Biden cited was existing opposition from Mexican officials, as The Blaze reported.

Executive Authority Use

"The president has the executive authority to fix it right now. I told him at the White House yesterday — one-on-one, and in the group — I told him, 'Mr. President, if you just issue an executive order that reinstates "Remain in Mexico," sir— your agents told us it would reduce the flow by 70%. Almost overnight because the message would go out throughout the world, 'Don't waste your life savings on a cartel.'"

He went on, "They're not going to be able to get you over the line. Stay where you are. Stay in Mexico, stay in a safe third country," Johnson articulated.

The speaker's frustration was palpable when Biden reportedly countered, stating that such actions were not within his authority due to Mexico's disapproval.

To that, Johnson reportedly responded, "That's just simply not true. President Trump did it; why can't you do it?"

Legal Authority and Political Will

During the discussion, Hannity highlighted to Johnson that Biden utilized executive action early in his presidency to revoke Trump-era immigration policies.

This implies that if Biden can use executive authority to revoke policies, he could also take action to implement new ones.

Additionally, existing law grants the president significant authority to act during times of crisis.

As such, opponents believe Biden already has the means to address the migrant crisis effectively.

The president indeed possesses the authority to enact policies, particularly in times of crisis.

That authority stems from Section 1182(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

This law grants the president broad discretion to control the entry of aliens into the United States when deemed necessary for the country's interests.

Despite the legal backing and the urgent need for action, speculation arises that President Biden may be positioned to leverage executive authority for political gain, potentially signaling a strategic move shortly.

Speculation suggests that any forthcoming decision could be timed soon after his controversial visit to Brownsville, Texas, a location critics note is significantly distanced from the core areas affected by the border crisis.