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Mike Pence hits Biden, refuses to announce 2024 run

By Sarah May on
 April 26, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence was among the prominent conservatives blasting President Joe Biden in the wake of his Tuesday reelection campaign announcement, but in doing so, he stopped short of declaring his own intentions regarding a possible 2024 White House run, as the Daily Mail reports.

Pence's comments came during a conversation with Fox News' Stuart Varney in which the former VP declared, “The record of the Biden administration has been a disaster for the American people at home and abroad.”

Pence Responds to Biden Campaign Launch

Varney's chat with Pence came close on the heels of the release of a video from Biden announcing his reelection campaign.

In the spot, Biden said he would work “for every generation” of American and declared his readiness to “finish the job” he started in his first term.

Biden also made pejorative references to “MAGA Republicans,” suggesting that they – and former President Donald Trump – represent an existential threat to Democracy.

Pence, for his part, was unimpressed by the president's campaign message, stating bluntly, “The record of the Biden administration has been a disaster for the American people at home and abroad.”

“Nothing to Announce”

Though Pence himself has been the subject of much speculation ahead of the 2024 primary season, he did not break any news in that realm on Varney's show.

“Honestly, I understand the concern the American people have about the failed policies of the Biden administration, but I have nothing to announce on your show today,” Pence said.

Evincing a desire not to rush into – or at least publicize – a final decision, Pence added, “I think it's early in the Republican nominating process.”

Offering a broader take on the choice he believes Americans will face in the next election, Pence declared, “Whoever is the standard-bearer of the Republican Party, I welcome the opportunity to contrast our record, our policies built on economic freedom with the record of failure of the Biden administration in 2024.

Decision in the Offing

Despite giving nothing away to Varney on Tuesday, Pence has gone on record with what he feels is an appropriate timeline for announcing a decision about 2024, as the Washington Examiner reported.

When asked by CBS News about where things stand with his personal deliberations, Pence indicated that the world would know his decision “well before late June.”

“I think that anyone that would be serious about seeking the Republican nomination would need to be in this contest by June,” Pence explained.

“I think if we have an announcement to make, it'll be well before late June,” the former VP added.

Actions Speak Louder...

Though currently unwilling to definitively declare his intentions, when pressed by CBS News on the current state of his thinking on a possible White House Bid, Pence replied, “Well, I'm here in Iowa,” a reference to the historical trend of politicians visiting the state prior to announcing a presidential run.

Indeed, Pence has already made multiple trips to the Hawkeye State, made a high-profile speech at the National Rifle Association's annual convention, and claims he has received “a lot of encouragement” to throw his hat into the ring, as the Examiner notes.

Despite former President Donald Trump's current status as the presumptive frontrunner in a likely still incomplete Republican field, Pence believes voters are ready for a new direction.

“Look, it's early in this process. I do think we'll have better choices,” Pence recently opined. “I think nobody could have defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 other than Donald Trump. But I think come 2024, our party will choose the right standard-bearer to meet this moment, to strengthen America at home and abroad.” Precisely how the GOP primary battle ultimately shakes out, however, only time will tell.