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Millions Of Non-Citizens May Vote Illegally In 2024 Election: Report

 September 20, 2024

A new study by the research institute Just Facts suggests that millions of non-citizens could participate illegally in the 2024 election.

According to the study, between 2 and 5 million non-citizens -- many of whom may support Democrats such as Kamala Harris -- are currently registered to vote, which raises concerns about the potential impact this could have on the election’s outcome, as the Daily Wire reports.

The findings highlight the growing concern over election integrity and whether votes reflect the preferences of American citizens.

The study estimates that 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the United States are unlawfully registered to vote. The U.S. Census data indicates that there were more than 19 million adult non-citizens living in the country as of 2022.

The Just Facts analysis reveals that a significant portion of these individuals may vote in future elections, prompting fears that this could influence results in critical races for Congress and even the presidency.

Non-Citizen Voter Fraud Could Affect Key Elections

The Just Facts report builds on earlier studies, including a 2014 academic journal that found 6.4% of non-citizens had voted in the 2008 election. If this pattern continues, the study warns, non-citizens could cast as many as 1.5 million votes in 2024. The research is backed by figures from the Social Security Administration, which shows that at least 2.5 million non-citizens have fake or stolen Social Security numbers.

The possibility of such large-scale illegal voting has drawn significant attention from political analysts. Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation referenced the study during a Congressional testimony, noting that up to 13% of non-citizens are expected to vote illegally in the upcoming election.

He emphasized that no state requires proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote, allowing non-citizens to register with various forms of ID that do not confirm their status as citizens.

Current Election System Allows Non-Citizen Voting

James Agresti, the author of the Just Facts study, highlighted the ease with which non-citizens can register to vote in the U.S. He pointed out that federal voter registration forms allow various forms of identification, including Social Security numbers and utility bills. These documents are accessible to many non-citizens living in the U.S. without proving citizenship.

Agresti also noted that many non-citizens, particularly undocumented immigrants, have been able to use fake or stolen Social Security numbers to secure work and other benefits. This creates further concerns about the integrity of voter rolls, as many non-citizens may be listed as eligible voters.

Critics Challenge Non-Citizen Voter Estimates

Not all experts agree with the findings of the Just Facts study. Both the Washington Post and the Cato Institute have criticized its estimates, suggesting that the number of non-citizens voting may be exaggerated. A Cato article specifically argued that estimates claiming millions of non-citizen voters are "rounding errors" rather than accurate figures.

However, Kerri Toloczko from the Election Integrity Network has argued that the rate of non-citizen voting could be even higher than past estimates. Toloczko cited the same 2014 study that found 6.4% of non-citizens voted in 2008 and suggested that increased activity at state DMVs and aggressive voter registration efforts could result in over 2 million unlawful votes being cast in 2024.

Growing Debate on Non-Citizens' Voting Impact

Election fraud concerns have intensified following changes in the U.S. election system during the 2020 presidential election. With 70% of ballots cast by mail or through early voting, some worry that the system has become more vulnerable to fraud, including illegal votes by non-citizens. Former President Donald Trump has been vocal about these concerns, blaming the Biden-Harris administration for what he sees as a failure to secure the U.S. border and allowing undocumented immigrants to enter without proper vetting.

Trump has made securing the border and deporting illegal immigrants key parts of his 2024 campaign platform. He argues that illegal immigration undercuts American workers and threatens national security. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris has been criticized for her past stance on illegal immigration, although her staff now insists she supports strong border enforcement.

Illegal Immigration Key Issue in 2024 Election

Illegal immigration is shaping up to be a central issue in the 2024 election. Trump has pledged to build on his 2016 promise to secure the border and prevent undocumented immigrants from entering the country. In contrast, Democrats have focused more on immigration reform and creating pathways to citizenship for those already living in the U.S.

The study by Just Facts has added fuel to the debate, with concerns that non-citizens could tip the scales in important races. Agresti’s findings suggest that without stricter voter registration controls, non-citizen participation in U.S. elections could continue to rise.

Conclusion: Debate On Non-Citizen Voting Persists

In summary, the Just Facts study indicates that millions of non-citizens could vote illegally in the 2024 election. The study’s findings, along with data from previous years, suggest that a significant portion of non-citizens are already registered to vote and could influence election outcomes. Critics argue that these estimates are inflated, but with illegal immigration as a hot-button issue in 2024, the topic is likely to remain a focal point in upcoming political debates.

This has raised concerns about how election integrity will be maintained in future elections, especially with the increasing use of mail-in ballots and early voting. Ultimately, both sides of the debate continue to clash over how best to ensure the integrity of U.S. elections while addressing the complex issue of immigration reform.