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MN Gov. Tim Walz Lauded Controversial Imam, Contradicting Campaign's Claims

 August 14, 2024

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is facing scrutiny after footage surfaced showing him praising Imam Asad Zaman, a figure with a controversial history, during an event in 2018.

In the video, Walz referred to Zaman as a "master teacher" and acknowledged spending time with him. This revelation has stirred controversy as it directly contradicts claims made by Kamala Harris's campaign that Walz did not have a personal relationship with Zaman and comes amid additional furor over the circumstances surrounding his resignation from the National Guard, as Breitbart reports.

Walz’s comments were made during an event hosted by Minnesota’s Muslim American Society at the South Metro Islamic Center in Rosemount, Minnesota.

The footage, recently unearthed by the Washington Examiner, captures Walz expressing his gratitude to Zaman, which has now come under intense scrutiny due to Zaman’s controversial views.

Imam's Controversial Background and Walz’s Support

Imam Asad Zaman has a documented history of posting content that promotes Adolf Hitler and justifies violence against Israel, including support for Hamas terrorist activities. These views have made Zaman a highly controversial figure, particularly among those who monitor hate speech and anti-Semitism.

Despite this, Walz not only praised Zaman publicly but also appeared alongside him on several occasions. His support extended to the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, an organization associated with Zaman, which has received state grants under Walz's administration. This connection has raised questions about the depth of Walz’s relationship with Zaman and the implications of his public praise.

Contradictory Statements from the Harris Campaign

The controversy is further fueled by the fact that the Kamala Harris campaign claimed that Walz did not have a personal relationship with Zaman.

This assertion is now being challenged by the footage and Walz’s own words, where he acknowledges learning from Zaman over the time they spent together. The contradiction between Walz’s public statements and the Harris campaign’s claims has become a focal point of the discussion.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has also weighed in on the issue, highlighting Zaman’s history of using anti-Jewish themes and justifying violence against Israel. This adds another layer of concern regarding Walz’s endorsement of Zaman, as the ADL’s assessment of Zaman’s rhetoric is well-documented.

Implications of the Relationship

The relationship between Walz and Zaman, whether personal or professional, is now under intense public scrutiny. Walz’s praise for a figure with such a controversial background raises questions about his judgment and the influence of individuals like Zaman within his administration.

The fact that this praise occurred in a public setting and was later unearthed by a national news outlet only amplifies the significance of the situation.

Walz’s support for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who is also known for her anti-Israel and anti-Semitic views, further complicates the narrative.

Omar, like Zaman, has been a polarizing figure, and Walz’s association with both individuals may signal a broader alignment with controversial figures within the Muslim community.

Public and Political Reactions

As this story continues to develop, reactions from both the public and political figures are emerging. Critics of Walz are seizing on this revelation as evidence of poor judgment and a lack of transparency. On the other hand, Walz’s supporters may argue that his comments were made in a specific context and do not necessarily reflect a close relationship with Zaman.

However, the contradiction between the Harris campaign’s statements and the newly surfaced footage is difficult to ignore. It raises concerns about the accuracy of information being presented to the public and the potential for misleading narratives to shape political discourse.


The controversy surrounding Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s praise of Imam Asad Zaman highlights the complexities and challenges of political endorsements.

The revelation that Walz referred to Zaman as a "master teacher" during a 2018 event contradicts claims by the Kamala Harris campaign that Walz had no personal relationship with Zaman. This discrepancy, coupled with Zaman’s controversial background, has sparked a broader conversation about the implications of such endorsements and the importance of transparency in political relationships.

As this story unfolds, it will be important to monitor the responses from both Walz’s administration and the broader political community, as well as the impact this controversy may have on public perception and future political campaigns.