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MN Woman Imprisoned for Defying Walz's Lockdown Orders Warns of Government Overreach

 August 14, 2024

Lisa Hanson, a former bistro owner from Albert Lea, Minnesota, was jailed after repeatedly defying COVID-19 lockdown orders.

Hanson, who owned Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro, accuses Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz of destroying her business and infringing upon personal freedoms amid the pandemic, and she is warning about the potential consequences of elevating him to a higher position of power, as Fox News reports.

The midwestern grandmother alleges that his policies unfairly targeted small businesses while allowing larger establishments, such as big-box stores, to continue operating.

Despite complying with the initial March 2020 shutdown, Hanson began to oppose the prolonged restrictions that she believed were unjust and economically devastating.

Defying Orders Leads to Legal Consequences

In response to the renewed shutdown orders issued between December 2020 and January 2021, Hanson reopened her bistro six times, directly defying state mandates. This decision led to her conviction on misdemeanor charges in December 2021. Hanson was sentenced to 90 days in jail and fined $1,000. Ultimately, she served 60 days of her sentence, a period during which she missed significant family events, including Christmas, her wedding anniversary, and the birth of a grandchild.

Hanson has voiced strong criticism of Gov. Walz, particularly regarding the disparity in how businesses were treated during the lockdown.

She argues that small, family-owned businesses like hers were unfairly punished while larger, more influential corporations were allowed to remain open.

“He shut down a lot of the mom-and-pop shops, those folks that were just trying to make a living and provide a great product and a great service,” Hanson said in an interview.

Accusations of Targeting Female Business Owners

Hanson’s criticisms extend beyond the economic impacts of the lockdown. She claims that both Gov. Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison specifically targeted and bullied women business owners, a group she says was disproportionately affected by the enforcement of shutdown orders.

“Similar things have happened to them when they were trying to run their business and survive -- mostly women, by the way,” Hanson stated, suggesting a pattern of discriminatory behavior by state officials.

Her experience with what she describes as intense government pressure and legal action ultimately led to the closure of her business. Hanson has not been quiet about her dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the situation, particularly regarding the alleged overreach by Gov. Walz. She has gone as far as to call for his impeachment and prosecution, accusing him of operating outside of statutory and constitutional law.

Legal and Financial Repercussions Continue

The legal battles Hanson faced did not end with her jail sentence. She has incurred tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and fines due to both civil and criminal cases stemming from her defiance of the lockdown orders. This financial strain, combined with the loss of her business, has left a lasting impact on her life.

Despite these challenges, Hanson has continued to be active in political and social circles. She briefly ran for state Senate in 2022, although she was not successful in her bid. Her campaign was largely driven by her experiences during the pandemic and her desire to see greater citizen involvement in local governance. Hanson has been critical of the two-party system, arguing that it fails to adequately represent the interests of ordinary citizens.

Hanson Warns Against Walz's National Political Ambitions

In addition to her criticism of Gov. Walz’s handling of the pandemic, Hanson has also warned against the possibility of him being elected to a higher office, such as the vice presidency. She believes that his approach to governance, particularly during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, could lead to further erosion of personal freedoms if he were to gain more power on a national level.

Hanson has also criticized Walz’s handling of the George Floyd riots, which she views as another example of his failure to effectively manage crises in Minnesota. Her experience has left her wary of centralized authority and more convinced than ever that the people need to play a more active role in governance to prevent similar situations in the future.

Conclusion: A Call for Vigilance and Citizen Involvement

Lisa Hanson’s story is one of defiance, legal battles, and a warning about the potential consequences of unchecked government power. As a former business owner who saw her livelihood destroyed and faced imprisonment for her actions, Hanson has become a vocal critic of Gov. Tim Walz and his approach to the COVID-19 pandemic.

She urges Americans to be vigilant and to get involved in local governance, warning that what happened to her could happen to others if similar policies are allowed to continue unchecked.

In reflecting on her experiences, Hanson has called for greater accountability and transparency from elected officials. Her journey serves as a reminder of the ongoing debates about personal freedom, government authority, and the impact of pandemic-related policies on small businesses and individual lives.