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Minnesota’s Democratic governor says Joe Biden is unpopular because Republicans have ‘poisoned’ the system, even as crime and inflation soar

 August 21, 2023

Democratic Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota has claimed that waning support for President Joe Biden's re-election bid is not a result of Biden's own record or age but rather a consequence of the influence of former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party that he says has "poisoned" the system.

Walz asserts that the American political system has been degraded, leading to a lack of trust in institutions and a significant erosion of public confidence, as Daily Wire reports.

The Poisoning of the Political Landscape

In an interview on NBC News' Meet The Press, Walz firmly pointed the finger at Trump and the GOP, asserting that their actions have undermined trust in the democratic process.

According to Walz, the prevailing skepticism towards the government and its institutions directly results from the partisan attacks that have characterized recent years.

"No one trusts our institutions, no one trusts Congress, no one trusts any of us, because all they do is attack our families do those types of things," he emphasized.

A Referendum on Democracy

Contrary to speculation, Walz insists that the upcoming election should not be seen as a referendum on Biden's age or personal attributes but rather as a pivotal moment for reaffirming the value of democracy itself.

Walz said, "The fact of the matter is, this isn't about Joe Biden's age. This is about the democracy. And they'll –- as we get closer to the election, they'll see that."

He argues that if Democrats desire to protect fundamental rights such as "reproductive freedoms" and pursue progressive agendas like combating climate change, then Biden should be their candidate of choice.

Promises and Realities

During the 2020 campaign, Democrats often emphasized that electing Biden would mean restoring adherence to norms at the White House. While on the trail, Biden tweeted that he would bring "honor and decency" back to Washington.

However, during Biden's term, cocaine was found in the West Wing, and a transgender-identifying activist appeared topless on the White House lawn. This led many to point out the perceived hypocrisy in those earlier promises.

Unity in the Midwest

Walz revealed that he recently engaged in strategic discussions with fellow Democratic Govs. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Tony Evers of Wisconsin. These conversations aimed to formulate effective approaches to secure victory for Biden in the Midwest region.

Economic Narrative and Public Opinion

Walz also stood up for the president's management of the economy — an area in which Biden's approval ratings remain consistently low.

He dismissed the concern as a "global phenomenon" and attributed part of the responsibility to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Walz, Biden's agenda has been more effective than any other country in the world at curbing inflation, reinvigorating manufacturing, prioritizing the high-tech chip sector, and addressing climate change and infrastructure.

Nevertheless, only 36% of Americans approve of Biden's economic management, as revealed by an Associated Press/NORC survey. In the same study, 42% of Americans endorsed Biden's overall presidential performance.

According to a July Yahoo News/YouGov poll, a majority of Americans are opposed to the idea of Biden seeking re-election. Specifically, 53% of Democrats prefer Biden as the nominee, while 35% favor an alternative candidate, as a report in the New York Post explained.

Age and Health Concerns

While Walz downplays concerns about Biden's age, recent polling data suggests that many Americans are worried about the president's health. A June ABC News poll revealed that 68% of voters expressed apprehension about Biden's well-being, with 55% considering it a "major" concern.