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Missouri AG Takes Legal Action Against New York Over Trump Prosecution

 June 21, 2024

In a move that has thrust him into the national spotlight, Andrew Bailey, the attorney general of Missouri, announced a lawsuit against the state of New York on Thursday.

The lawsuit centers on allegations that New York's legal actions against former President Donald Trump are unconstitutional and threaten democratic processes, as Breitbart reports.

Missouri AG Files Suit Over Trump's Prosecutions

The lawsuit is a response to the legal actions taken against Trump by New York authorities. In May, a twelve-person jury in Manhattan found Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. The charges related to payments made to Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Trump is anticipated to appeal the conviction before the upcoming November election. Bailey has previously sought communications from the Department of Justice (DOJ) related to Trump's prosecutions. His efforts underscore concerns over potential coordination between federal and state prosecutors.

Bailey claims this coordination involves the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, led by Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Leticia James, and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. The crux of Bailey's case is the movement of DOJ's Matthew Colangelo to the Manhattan D.A.'s office in December 2022.

Bailey Questions DOJ’s Motives and Actions

According to Bailey, it was during Bragg's campaign that he promised to pursue Trump. "During that campaign, Bragg promised ‘if elected, [he] would go after Trump.’ Once he won election, he pledged ‘to personally focus on the high-profile probe into former President Donald Trump’s business practices,'" Bailey said.

Bailey utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to request specific communications. These include documents, calendar appointments, meeting minutes, and agendas tying Colangelo’s move to Bragg’s office and DOJ interactions with Bragg, James, and Willis.

The Missouri attorney general has firmly positioned his actions as a defense of democratic integrity.

"I will be filing suit against the State of New York for their direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against President Trump. It’s time to restore the rule of law," Bailey declared on the social media platform X.

Bailey’s Call for DOJ Transparency

Beyond the legal filing, Bailey is demanding the DOJ turn over communications he believes may reveal a coordinated effort against Trump. He has described the DOJ as the "headquarters of the illicit prosecutions against President Trump," based on evidence his office claims to have uncovered.

He is especially focused on uncovering any collusion that might exist between the DOJ and other prosecuting offices.

"I am demanding the DOJ turn over communications relating to the illicit prosecutions of President Trump. This includes communications between the DOJ and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, New York AG Leticia James, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis," Bailey stated.

These moves are set against the backdrop of Trump's ongoing legal battles, which include charges related to his business practices and decisions during his presidency. Bailey contends that these charges might be politically motivated attempts to hinder Trump's bid for re-election.

Political Ramifications Loom Large

Bailey also posited that these legal battles threaten the fairness of the electoral process, specifically for his constituents in Missouri. "We have to fight back against a rogue prosecutor who is trying to take a presidential candidate off the campaign trail. It sabotages Missourians’ right to a free and fair election," Bailey emphasized.

The attorney general's demands for transparency are not without precedent. In May, Bailey sought similar information on DOJ communications regarding Trump’s prosecutions. His lawsuit now extends these efforts by directly challenging the legality of New York's actions.

The unfolding case is likely to attract significant attention as it develops, given its potential implications for federal-state dynamics and the upcoming presidential election. The legal struggles of a former president, particularly one who intends to run again, are a matter of public interest and scrutiny.

In conclusion, Andrew Bailey's lawsuit against New York represents Missouri’s stance on what it views as unconstitutional actions undermining democracy. The case aims to unearth potential coordination between federal and state authorities and defend the electoral rights of Trump's supporters.

With Trump expected to appeal his conviction and the legal processes continuing, the outcome of this lawsuit will be closely observed.