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Mom sues Biden admin over daughter allegedly killed by MS-13: 'Nobody at the border did their job'

 January 23, 2024

In a heart-wrenching legal battle that has garnered national attention, Tammy Nobles is seeking justice for her daughter, Kayla Hamilton, who was tragically murdered in her Maryland home.

Nobles has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration, demanding $100 million in damages, following the brutal incident involving an MS-13 gang member, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.

This complex case intertwines issues of immigration, government responsibility, and a family's grief, as the Daily Wire reported.

In a tragic sequence of events, Kayla Hamilton was found murdered in her home, leading to a lawsuit against the Biden administration by her mother, Tammy Nobles, for alleged negligence in immigration vetting processes.

The lawsuit centers on the tragic death of Hamilton, who was only 20 when she was strangled in her Maryland residence on July 27, 2022.

The accused, a 17-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador, was later identified as a member of the notorious MS-13 gang. He was charged with first-degree murder, rape, and robbery and is currently awaiting trial. The lawsuit alleges that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) failed to properly vet the suspect before allowing him entry into the United States.

Legal Battle Highlights Government's Alleged Negligence

Nobles' lawsuit raises serious questions about the U.S. government's vetting processes for immigrants. The plaintiff argues that the government was negligent in placing the suspect, who had visible gang tattoos, in a home with her daughter.

According to the family's attorney, Brian Claypool, these tattoos should have been a clear indication of the suspect's gang affiliations and should have prevented his entry into the country.

Further complicating the case is the fact that the suspect was placed as Hamilton's roommate in a trailer home, a living arrangement that Nobles and her legal team argue was inherently risky and irresponsible.

This aspect of the case underscores the broader implications of government policies and practices on individual safety and security.

A Mother's Testimony Sheds Light on Border Security Issues

Nobles has taken her fight beyond the courtroom, testifying before Congress as part of an inquiry into the actions of the Homeland Security Secretary. In her testimony, she highlighted the alleged shortcomings at the U.S. border, asserting that a simple background check could have revealed the suspect's gang affiliations. She said:

I want everyone to know what’s going on at the border. All they had to do was make one phone call to El Salvador to know that he was an MS-13 gang member on the list.

Her statement emphasizes the perceived lapses in the U.S. immigration system, particularly about the vetting of individuals with potential criminal backgrounds. Nobles' testimony and lawsuit seek to hold the government accountable for these perceived failures and the tragic consequences that ensued.

Legal Representatives Voice Strong Opinions

The family's legal team has been vocal about their stance on the case and the broader implications for national security. Claypool highlighted the frustration and sense of betrayal felt by many Americans in situations like these, where government actions or inactions have direct, often devastating, consequences on individual lives. He said:

We’re bringing this lawsuit because we’re tired of being held hostage in our own country. We’re tired of DHS playing Russian roulette with our lives.

These statements not only address the specifics of the Hamilton case but also tap into a larger national discourse on immigration policies, government accountability, and public safety.

Upcoming Trial and Ongoing Investigations

The suspect's trial, set to commence on June 28, is expected to be a pivotal moment in this case. As the trial approaches, questions about the effectiveness of U.S. border policies and the safety of immigration practices remain at the forefront of public debate. The outcome of the trial and the lawsuit may have significant implications for how these issues are addressed in the future.

The Hamilton case serves as a tragic reminder of the potential human cost of policy and procedural failures. As Nobles continues her pursuit of justice for her daughter, her actions bring attention to crucial issues of national importance.

The lawsuit against the Biden administration, regardless of its outcome, has already sparked conversations about the responsibilities of government agencies in ensuring the safety of its citizens, particularly in the context of immigration and border security.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the nation watches, waiting to see how this tragic story will influence future policies and practices. The memory of Kayla Hamilton, whose young life was cut tragically short, remains at the heart of this legal battle, a symbol of the personal toll behind national debates on immigration and security.