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More than 2K homeless people died in Los Angeles in 2023

 February 25, 2024

Los Angeles witnessed a tragic surge in homeless deaths in 2023, with over 2,000 lives lost.

The California city faced a heartbreaking reality in 2023, as the number of homeless individuals who passed away reached a staggering 2,033. This figure marks a significant increase from previous years, highlighting the growing crisis of homelessness and drug abuse within the community, as Breitbart reported.

Unprecedented rise in homeless fatalities

According to data reviewed by a leading publication, the increase in deaths among the homeless population is nearly 300% higher than the figures reported in 2014.

This alarming rise underscores the urgent need for interventions and support systems to address the complex issues faced by the homeless.

Deaths have been reported in various circumstances, with individuals found in places such as tents, vehicles, and public spaces.

This wide range of locations indicates the pervasive nature of the crisis, affecting many parts of the city.

The county's medical examiner's office has documented a consistent rise in homeless deaths over the last decade, with a total of 11,573 fatalities.

The year-on-year increase is a clear indicator of the worsening situation, demanding immediate attention from both the public and private sectors.

Challenges in accurately counting the deceased

The official numbers, however, might not fully capture the extent of the tragedy.

The method used by the medical examiner's department to review deaths may not include all cases, suggesting that the actual number of homeless deaths could be even higher.

The Department of Public Health in Los Angeles County has indicated that their records might show an additional 20 percent more deaths, pointing to an even more dire situation than the medical examiner's data suggests.

Accidental deaths, including those resulting from drug overdoses, constitute a significant portion of the total fatalities.

The stark increase in deaths linked to fentanyl, a powerful opioid, is particularly concerning, with hundreds of cases still under investigation.

The homelessness crisis and its exacerbating factors

The homelessness crisis in Los Angeles is not only about the lack of housing but also involves complex factors such as the fentanyl epidemic.

The statistics reveal a sharp rise in deaths linked to fentanyl, with the numbers escalating from 30 instances in 2018 to 255 by 2020 and reaching 633 in 2022.

The majority of the homeless population lives outside, in stark contrast to cities like New York, where most homeless individuals find shelter indoors.

With over 75,000 homeless individuals in the county, the challenge of providing adequate shelter and support is immense. The high percentage of those living in makeshift conditions highlights the urgency of finding sustainable solutions.

The situation in Los Angeles serves as a grim reminder of the broader issues facing many urban centers across the nation.

The combination of drug abuse, inadequate housing, and insufficient support systems creates a cycle that is difficult to break without concerted efforts from all sectors of society.


  • The number of homeless deaths in Los Angeles surged to over 2,000 in 2023.
  • Accidental deaths, particularly those due to drug overdoses, are a significant concern.
  • The majority of the homeless population in LA lives outside, underscoring the severity of the crisis.