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Mother bans sister-in-law from home for refusing to call twin daughters by names

 January 18, 2024

A mother has taken a firm stand by banning her sister-in-law from her house until she acknowledges her twin daughters as individuals rather than referring to them collectively as "the twins."

In a tale that some say underscores the significance of recognizing individuality in twins, a mother, known on Reddit as FitStarAnise, has barred her sister-in-law from her home.

This decisive action came after persistent reluctance from the sister-in-law to address the six-year-old twin daughters, Amy and Nina, by their names during family gatherings, despite repeated requests to do so, as FOX News reported.

The struggle for individual identity in twins

FitStarAnise's story, shared on the "Am I the A--hole" subreddit, has sparked a conversation about the importance of treating twins as separate individuals.

Residing in a town close to her husband's family, FitStarAnise often hosts family events at her home, the largest in the area.

Her frustration grew as her sister-in-law, Jane, consistently referred to her daughters collectively as "the twins," ignoring their distinct personalities and interests.

Despite the twins having different interests and dressing styles, making it easy to tell them apart, Jane persisted in her approach.

FitStarAnise emphasized the importance of respecting her daughters' individuality, especially now that they are six years old and developing their own identities.

A holiday incident sparks action

The situation escalated during Christmas when the twins presented individual handmade gifts to family members, clearly indicating their separate contributions.

However, Jane's indifferent response, failing to acknowledge each girl's effort individually, prompted FitStarAnise to confront her. This confrontation led to the decision to ban Jane from the house, a move supported by FitStarAnise's husband.

After informing her mother-in-law of the decision and the reasons behind it, FitStarAnise received a call from Jane, who dismissed the issue as insignificant and insisted on being allowed to attend future family events.

Jane's refusal to acknowledge the twins as individuals led to a firm stance from FitStarAnise, supported by insights from Reddit users and child development experts.

Experts emphasize the importance of individuality

Child development experts, including Dr. Jenny Woo and Courtney Morgan, echoed the sentiment expressed by FitStarAnise.

They stressed the importance of acknowledging the individual identities of twins, highlighting the potential negative impact on personal development when twins are treated as a unit.

Dr. Woo, a twin parent herself, provided practical advice on promoting individuality among twins, suggesting parents consistently use their children's names and share stories that highlight their unique characteristics and preferences.

Morgan, drawing from her professional experience, pointed out the complex dynamics of sibling relationships, especially among twins.

She emphasized that being perceived as part of a group rather than as an individual can hinder personal development and self-identity formation.

Reddit community rallies in support

The Reddit community, particularly those who are twins or parents of twins, rallied in support of FitStarAnise.

Many shared their personal experiences, highlighting the challenges and importance of establishing a distinct identity apart from their twin. The consensus among users was overwhelmingly in favor of FitStarAnise's stance, validating her concerns and actions.

One top-upvoted comment from a user, who is also a parent of adult twin girls, resonated with many.

This user reflected on the intentional effort to treat her daughters as individuals, a practice that her daughters greatly appreciated throughout their upbringing. Another user, a twin, shared the personal struggle of finding their own identity due to being constantly referred to as "the twins" during their formative years.


  • A mother, known as FitStarAnise on Reddit, has banned her sister-in-law from her home for refusing to address her twin daughters, Amy and Nina, by their individual names.
  • The incident that led to the ban occurred during Christmas, where the sister-in-law, Jane, failed to recognize the twins' individual efforts in their handmade gifts.
  • Child development experts, alongside a supportive Reddit community, emphasize the importance of acknowledging the individual identities of twins to foster healthy personal development and self-identity.