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Mother of Hunter Biden’s child wants him jailed in Arkansas for failing to comply with child support orders

 April 23, 2023

Lunden Roberts, the mother of one of Hunter Biden’s five children has called for his arrest as part of an ongoing child support lawsuit. This comes after Hunter requested to lower his monthly support payments six months ago citing a “substantial” loss of income.

The alleged loss of income is questionable, according to the Daily Mail, because despite claiming to have “no monthly income” for at least ten months, Hunter was reportedly driving a Porsche and living in a $12,000/month rental home.

It was because of this that Roberts refused this renegotiation and has since requested a copy of Hunter’s financial records to prove his claims, which he has failed to provide. His lack of cooperation forced Clinton Lancaster, Roberts’s lawyer, to accuse Hunter of “failing to adhere to the discovery rules and deadlines.”

“The defendant has provided no additional discovery — not so much as one single item or word — and has failed to supplement his answers at the court’s directive,” Lancaster explained.

She added, “There is no valid excuse or justification for the defendant’s failure to provide the required disclosures as the court has granted every single protective order the defendant has asked for since the inception of this case … the defendant is playing games with this court.”

Hunter is currently facing a number of legal issues including three charges of tax evasion and one of a felony related to a gun purchase.

The numerous scandals surrounding Hunter are also reportedly having a negative effect on President Joe Biden’s public image.

Ongoing Drama

Former exotic dancer Roberts and Hunter met back in 2017. It was after their short-lived fling that the daughter in question, Navy Joan Roberts, was conceived. Hunter reportedly was in a relationship with his sister-in-law Hallie at the time.

Although Roberts and Hunter remained in communication during her pregnancy, Hunter reportedly cut Roberts off rather suddenly.

Two years later, Roberts took Hunter to court, demanding a DNA test, which proved Navy Joan was indeed his daughter. As a result, Roberts won a $2.5 million settlement and an agreement that Hunter would pay $11,000 per month in child support.

Since then, the two have been involved in an ongoing legal battle with each party accusing the other of various misdeeds. 

Roberts has repeatedly stated that Hunter has been a neglectful father and that he “barely acknowledges” their daughter. Hunter’s lawyer, meanwhile, has accused Roberts of trying to extort money from Hunter, dubbing her claims “baseless.”

All of this has led to Roberts requesting an Arkansas judge to place Hunter in jail. Lancaster agreed with her move, saying, “This court should incarcerate the defendant in the Cleburne County Detention Center until he complies with this court’s orders and answers discovery. In the alternative, this court should sanction the defendant as appropriate and just.”

No comment has been given from Hunter about the matter but it is expected that both parties will make their statements in the upcoming weeks. 

Circuit Judge Holly Meyer has insisted that both Hunter and Roberts must fully comply with all discovery requests before the pre-trial hearing, which is set for May 23, 2023.

The official trial is currently scheduled for July 24th and 25th. 

Meyer has also issued a warning to both parties that she will not tolerate any “frivolous delays.” She added, “No continuance will be granted unless for good cause shown.”