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Murdoch Pushes Trump on VP Choice, Draws Carlson's Ire

 July 14, 2024

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has reportedly launched a vigorous campaign to influence Donald Trump’s selection of his vice-presidential candidate, pushing for North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum while opposing Sen. J.D. Vance.

Murdoch's strategy to sway Trump's vice-presidential pick is said to have included multiple daily phone calls to Trump himself, drawing criticism from some corners, as Breitbart reports.

Sources indicate that Murdoch’s preferred candidate is Burgum, a choice he is promoting with considerable effort.

Murdoch’s Intensive Campaign Efforts

Murdoch's opposition to Vance has also become evident. According to reports, Murdoch has made it clear to Trump that if Burgum is not selected, his strong preference is that Trump at least does not choose Vance.

This lobbying effort is not limited to personal calls. Murdoch has deployed employees and executives from his media companies to Mar-a-Lago to advocate for Burgum and against Vance. These actions underline Murdoch's determination to shape the vice-presidential selection process.

Media Outlets Used for Influence

In addition to direct lobbying, Murdoch has utilized his media outlets, including the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, to influence Trump’s decision. These publications have featured content aimed at promoting Burgum as a suitable vice-presidential candidate.

Tucker Carlson, a prominent media figure and former Fox News personality, has publicly criticized Murdoch’s efforts against Vance. Carlson described these actions as a distraction from the issues that voters care about, highlighting the tension between him and Murdoch's media empire.

Tensions Within the Media Empire

Sources suggest that Murdoch's intense lobbying is part of a broader effort to reassert his control over the Republican Party. A Fox News communications consultant noted that Murdoch views Trump as subservient and is not eager for another term under his influence.

Murdoch’s goal, as interpreted by a longtime Trump adviser, is to use the vice-presidential selection to exert control over Trump’s potential second administration. This move is seen as a way to end "Trumpism" and groom Burgum for a future presidential run.

Carlson’s Criticism and Republican Party Dynamics

Carlson’s comments indicate significant disagreements across the media. He pointed out that many conservative news outlets seem disconnected from their audience's concerns, focusing instead on their own agendas.

The pundit's criticism suggests that Murdoch’s campaign is an attempt to undermine Vance before Trump can make a decision.

The Republican National Convention is set to begin on Monday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where delegates will formally nominate Trump and his running mate. As speculation continues, reports suggest that Trump might still select Vance, a combat Marine veteran and millennial.

Speculation on Trump’s Final Decision

If Trump chooses Vance, it would mark a historic first, as Vance would be the first Marine veteran and member of this younger generationl on a major party presidential ticket. This potential choice underscores the significance of Murdoch’s campaign and the high stakes involved.

Murdoch’s effort, described by Reese Gorman as a “full-scale lobbying effort,” aims to ensure Trump picks Burgum. However, if Trump remains firm in his preference for Vance, it could signal a shift in the power dynamics within the Republican Party.

Conclusion: High Stakes at the Convention

The unfolding events at the Republican National Convention will reveal whether Murdoch’s intensive campaign has been successful or if Trump will go his own way. The decision will not only determine the vice-presidential candidate but also reflect the broader control and influence within the Republican Party.

In summary, Rupert Murdoch is pushing for Doug Burgum as Trump’s vice-presidential candidate, with significant opposition to J.D. Vance. Murdoch’s efforts include direct lobbying, media influence, and deploying company executives to advocate for his choice.

Tucker Carlson’s criticism highlights internal tensions, and the upcoming Republican National Convention will be pivotal in revealing the outcome of this intense lobbying effort.