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Pelosi Sought Aid from Pence While Floating Use of 25th Amendment Against Trump

 August 2, 2024
In a uniquely domestic moment during a national crisis, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was handling household chores when she tried contacting then-Vice President Mike Pence to discuss the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment against Donald Trump following the Jan. 6 Capitol unrest.

A new memoir from Pelosi outlines her efforts to discuss the 25th Amendment with Pence, which he rebuffed, as the Daily Mail reports.

After the shocking events at the Capitol, Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sought urgent communication with Pence about the president's capacity to remain in office. The call from Pelosi that went unanswered symbolized a moment of constitutional significance, placing the urgency of the situation in stark relief against the backdrop of ordinary life.

Details of Jan. 6 and the Call to Pence

The Jan. 6 demonstrations acted as a catalyst for the then-speaker's actions. In her memoir, Pelosi recalls the tumultuous day and subsequent deliberation among the Democratic leadership about the possibility of declaring Trump unfit for the presidency. These deliberations led to the decision to reach out to Vice President Pence directly.

Attempting contact, Pelosi and Schumer were placed on a lengthy hold, lasting about 20 minutes. During this time, Pelosi managed to multitask, tending to chores such as emptying the dishwasher and doing laundry, a testament to her ability to balance the personal and the political.

Despite their efforts, neither Pence nor his office responded. Pelosi wrote about being kept on hold, highlighting the gravity of the situation juxtaposed with the mundanity of daily tasks. This moment underlines the sometimes-surreal contrasts between personal obligations and national duty.

Trump’s Mental Fitness Questioned

In The Art of Power: My Story as America’s First Woman Speaker of the House, Pelosi offers a critical evaluation of Trump's mental and psychological fitness for the office of president. Her account includes observations from firsthand interactions and disturbing behaviors displayed by Trump, which she asserts compromised his ability to govern effectively.

She describes late-night phone conversations with Trump, during which he made what she said were outlandish statements that left her concerned about his mental state. At one point, she advised him to get some sleep, underlining the erratic nature of these interactions.

Further, Pelosi recounts an incident at a 2019 memorial service in which she said medical professionals expressed their worries to her about Trump's mental health, thus adding another layer of concern regarding his fitness to serve.

Trump's Actions and Public Demeanor

Pelosi's criticisms of Trump in her book are extensive and detailed. She illustrates what she said were Trump's denial and alleged mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his disruptive behavior in meetings, and what she said was his overall lack of decorum in public office. Notably, she accuses him of engaging in aggressive behavior, such as pounding on tables and storming out of meetings, portraying a leader ruled by impulse rather than reason.

Her observations conclude with a reflection on what she said was Trump's insistent self-aggrandizement. Trump's repeated claims of greatness and separation from the realities faced by the nation were particularly troubling for Pelosi, offering yet another rationale for her concerns over his mental fitness for the presidency.

Throughout her interactions with Trump, Pelosi observed a range of behaviors she says confirmed her suspicions about his mental and psychological instability, influencing her actions on Jan. 6 and underscoring the seriousness with which she took the situation at hand.

A Memoir Reflecting on a Moment in History

Pelosi's memoir does more than just recount events; it serves as a reflective lens on the inner workings and pressures of leading the House during one of the most tumultuous periods in recent American history. Her narrative mixes personal anecdotes with major political decisions, providing readers with a comprehensive view of her take on the historical moment.

The impact of Pelosi's memoir is in its detailed recounting of a key period in American governance. It not only documents her experiences but also paints a portrait of the complexities of leadership under extraordinary circumstances.

The book's release, scheduled for a Tuesday, is anticipated to shed further light on the intricacies of the political dynamics during Trump's presidency and offer insights into the decision-making processes that define historical legacies.

Conclusion: Reflecting on Leadership and Legacy

In conclusion, Nancy Pelosi’s memoir The Art of Power not only recounts her personal experiences during the Capitol unrest but also critiques Donald Trump's presidency, highlighting her concerns about his mental fitness.

The failed communication attempt with Mike Pence and Pelosi's descriptions of what she said was Trump’s erratic behavior provide a deep insight into the challenges faced by Pelosi in a time of crisis.

Her narrative promises a unique exploration of the intersections between personal responsibilities and national duty, making it a must-read for those interested in her take on the intricacies of American political history.