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Nancy Pelosi Suggests Adding Biden to Mt. Rushmore as His Presidency Enters Final Months

 August 5, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has made a bold statement suggesting that President Joe Biden should be considered for addition to the iconic Mt. Rushmore monument.

Appearing on CBS’s Sunday Morning, Pelosi provided her insights into President Biden’s presidency while addressing questions about her involvement in a supposed pressure campaign to influence Biden's recent political decisions, as Breitbart reports.

Pelosi's Bold Suggestion for Mt. Rushmore

Pelosi's interview with host Lesley Stahl began with her notable suggestion that Biden deserves a place on Mt. Rushmore.

Despite the audacity of this assertion, Pelosi stood firm in her belief, describing Biden as "such a consequential president of the United States" and a leader deserving of recognition.

During the candid conversation on the CBS program, Pelosi emphasized that Biden's leadership puts him on par with the historic figures carved into the monument, citing the transformative impact of his presidency.

Addressing Allegations of Pressure Campaign

Stahl also brought up allegations that Pelosi had been trying to pressure Biden to step aside. When asked directly, “Please tell us what you told President Biden to persuade him to step aside,” Pelosi firmly declined to disclose any private discussions she may have had with the president.

Pelosi was persistent in her denial of having led any campaign against Biden. She said, “I wasn’t the leader of any pressure. Let me say things I didn’t do. I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person.” This unequivocal denial sought to dispel rumors circulating about her supposed leadership of a campaign to influence Biden's political choices.

Pelosi’s Confidence in Biden's Decisions

Expressing her unwavering support for the President, Pelosi remarked, “I had confidence that the president would make the proper choice for our country.” Her commitment to Biden was clear, showcasing her belief in his capacity to make the best decision for the country’s future.

She also stated her thorough confidence in Biden's ability to make decisions, stating, “He was in a good place to make whatever decision, top of his game.” These statements highlighted Pelosi’s faith in the president's wisdom and strategic thinking during his term.

Comparing Biden to Historical Figures

When asked directly whether Biden belongs on Mt. Rushmore alongside other historic presidents like Lincoln, Pelosi gave a distinctive comparison. “You got Teddy Roosevelt up there and he is wonderful. I don’t say take him down, but you could add Biden,” Pelosi said.

Pushing her viewpoint, Pelosi reiterated that Biden's presidency had a transformative influence comparable to the legendary leaders already honored at Mt. Rushmore. She emphasized the significance of Biden's work and the positive changes stemming from his policies.

The Future of Biden's Presidency

Despite the controversies and rumors circulating regarding Biden’s continuation in office, Pelosi stressed her confidence in Biden making the right choice for his career and the country’s welfare, rejecting the notion of her applying any pressure.

Her point was clear; however, the questions posed by Stahl about her involvement in a pressure campaign reflected a broader curiosity and skepticism within media circles and possibly among political opponents.

In Summary

Throughout the interview, Pelosi maintained a posture of support and respect for President Biden, reiterating his significance and laying claims of persuasion to rest. Her articulate and clear defense sought to align her public statements with the private confidence she held in Biden’s leadership.

The allegations of a pressure campaign seem to be discounted by her refusal to acknowledge such actions and her confidence in Biden’s autonomy.

Lesley Stahl's probing questions brought up essential points, but Pelosi's responses centered on her respect and confidence in Biden's capability to lead, dismissing any notions of her leading a campaign against him.

Summarizing the interview and its implications, Pelosi's viewpoint of Biden’s presidency and her clear denial of behind-the-scenes pressure allows observers to perceive her loyalty and respect for Biden’s self-determination and leadership.

In conclusion, the CBS interview illuminated significant aspects of Pelosi's perspective, illustrating her steadfast belief in President Biden’s contribution to the nation's history and her broad denial of attempts to sway his choices.