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Nathan Wade's Secretive White House Talks Revealed in Judiciary Interview

 October 22, 2024

Questions have arisen over former Fulton County, Georgia, special prosecutor Nathan Wade's dealings with the Biden administration amid investigations into Donald Trump, with the situation prompting a probe by the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Jim Jordan.

Wade, who engaged in a controversial relationship with D.A. Fani Willis, recently admitted that he met with Biden administration officials during the Georgia probe of Trump, igniting scrutiny from the House Judiciary Committee over potential conflicts of interest, as Fox News reports.

The investigation into Trump focused on his and his allies’ efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, which led to a grand jury indictment last year.

Nathan Wade's Meetings Prompt Examination

Wade has confirmed that he met with members of Biden's staff on at least two occasions during his work with the Fulton County D.A.'s team. He described one invoice mentioning a "conference with White House counsel" linked to an Athens trip in May 2022. However, Wade clarified that the invoice did not specify the exact location of this meeting.

These meetings have drawn interest because Wade’s interactions with the White House were not publicly detailed. He has been unable to recall the specifics of these meetings, according to his lawyer, Andrew Evans.

Wade's records also noted an extensive eight-hour interaction with the White House in November 2022, but again details remain vague.

Among the crucial queries during Wade’s House Judiciary staff interview included the nature of these meetings. Investigators sought clarification, to which Wade responded that the records do not provide exhaustive confirmation regarding the meetings' precise nature or location.

Efforts to Gather Context for Meetings

Wade's attorney pointed out that if these meetings occurred with current or former federal employees, they may have been related to discussions deemed necessary by U.S. Supreme Court precedent in the case of United States ex rel. Touhy v. Ragen. The principle at issue is that certain types of legal proceedings must be preceded by consultation with government officials.

The interview and the travel invoices raised in the probe, though, did not explicitly confirm whether these discussions were about the Trump administration or within the realm of the current Biden administration.

Wade’s claimed lack of recollection poses more questions than answers in this context.

The former member of Willis' team faced detailed questioning over whether his meetings with White House representatives were officially documented and with whom they were held. Despite extensive questioning, his memory of specific interactions remained unclear.

Wade's Relationship with Willis Under Scrutiny

Wade’s involvement in the Trump investigation is further complicated due to his close personal relationship with Willis. His removal from the Fulton County case was caused by the fact of this relationship, although both deny that it any undue influence on the investigation.

Republicans involved in the House Judiciary's inquiry have flagged this relationship as potential interference, increasing the scrutiny of Wade's role. A county judge allowed Willis to remain on the case provided that Wade was extricated from further involvement, underlining the friction the relationship caused.

In their defense, both Wade and Willis contended that the allegations of interference from Republican critics aim to discredit their investigations. This perspective has not stopped the comprehensive inquisitions taking place on Capitol Hill.

Duration and Outcome of Capitol Hill Interview

Nathan Wade was subjected to over four hours of questioning on Capitol Hill, marking an intense phase of investigation. Throughout this period, Wade faced numerous queries about his invoices and interactions with White House officials.

The continued examination by Jim Jordan's committee highlights critical aspects of both Wade's actions and the broader implications of White House interaction during such high-profile investigations. Differentiating personal relationships from professional obligations remains central to the ongoing scrutiny.

The absence of conclusive details about Wade’s meetings with government officials adds a layer of complexity to the investigation into Trump’s Georgia efforts.

As the probe advances, the circumstances surrounding these meetings and Nathan Wade’s role could yet present significant revelations.