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Nationwide poll finds 62% of voters support Mayorkas impeachment over border crisis

 February 29, 2024

A recent poll reveals that a significant majority of voters, including half of Democrats, support the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over immigration law enforcement issues.

A poll conducted by Harvard CAPS on Feb. 21-22 has brought to light the growing dissatisfaction among American voters with the current level of enforcement of the nation's border laws. The impeachment of Mayorkashas found support not just from Republicans but surprisingly from a considerable portion of Democratic voters as well, as reported by Breitbart.

Varying perspectives on border security enforcement

The survey asked voters:

Do you support or oppose Congressional Republicans impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas under the charge that he is willfully not enforcing immigration laws and securing the border?

The results were telling, with 48%mocrats, 54% of independents, and a striking 81% of Republicans expressing their approval of the impeachment proceedings.

Another question in the poll sought to gauge the public's opinion on whether Mayorkas and his department were adequately enforcing border security and immigration laws. A majority of 57% responded negatively, indicating a broad-based concern across political lines about the state of border security.

This sentiment was shared by 33% of Democrats, 61% of independents, and 78% of Republicans, highlighting a rare consensus among the often-divergent political groups.

The poll's findings align with a broader trend of dissatisfaction with the current administration's handling of immigration policies, reflecting an increasing concern among the public about border security issues.

Mayorkas' stance and impeachment proceedings

Alejandro Mayorkas has been a vocal advocate for more migration, driven by personal history and a belief in the benefits of a more open approach to immigration.

However, his stance has not been without controversy, drawing criticism for prioritizing these views over legal obligations and the broader concerns of American citizens.

The impeachment of Mayorkas by Republican legislators on Feb. 13 was met with skepticism by pro-migration Democrats and their media allies. Despite this, the move has clearly resonated with a significant segment of the electorate.

House Speaker Mike Johnson R-LA) has delayed sending the formal charges to the Senate, aiming to circumvent potential objections from Democratic senators regarding the timing of the trial. This strategic move indicates the complex political calculations at play in the impeachment process.

Senate's role in the impeachment process

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has yet to indicate his stance on the impeachment trial. This uncertainty adds another layer of complexity to the unfolding political drama surrounding Mayorkas' impeachment.

With the 2024 budget disputes looming, the timing and conduct of the impeachment trial in the Senate remain uncertain. This situation highlights the intricate interplay between budgetary negotiations and the impeachment process, further complicating the political landscape.

The impeachment of Mayorkas has thus become a focal point of debate, reflecting broader tensions and divisions within American politics over immigration policy and border security.

Public opinion and political implications

The Harvard CAPS poll sheds light on the deep divisions within American society regarding immigration policy and the enforcement of border laws.

The support for Mayorkas' impeachment among Democrats, in addition to the expected backing from Republicans, suggests a significant level of bipartisan concern over the current state of border security.

This development could have far-reaching implications for the political landscape, influencing not only the outcome of the impeachment proceedings but also the broader debate over immigration policy in the United States.


  • The Harvard CAPS poll indicates strong bipartisan support for the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over concerns related to the enforcement of immigration laws.
  • A significant portion of the electorate, including Democrats, independents, and Republicans, express dissatisfaction with the current state of border security and immigration policy.
  • The impeachment proceedings and the broader debate over immigration policy underscore deep divisions within American society and the political landscape.
  • The outcome of the impeachment process and its impact on future immigration policy remain to be seen, highlighting the ongoing tensions and challenges in addressing border security and immigration in the United States.