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New Hampshire’s Republican governor to decide on presidential run

By Sarah May on
 May 29, 2023

As the full GOP primary field for 2024 begins to take shape, another rumored candidate – Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu – has indicated that his decision as to whether to enter the race will be made in “the next week or two,” as The Hill reports.

The governor's comments came during a Sunday appearance on CNN's State of the Union and bolstered growing speculation about his political future.

Sununu Decision Imminent

Speaking to host Jake Tapper, Sununu indicated that he is currently contemplating whether his entry into the presidential stakes would be “right to the party” as well as a sound personal decision before making any announcements, as the Daily Wire notes.

When asked about his specific timeline, Sununu said, “I don't do coy very well. So, when I start doing something, I'm 120 percent in.”

The governor continued, “So I think, you know, pretty soon we'll make a decision.”

Adding further specificity to his reply, Sununu said, “Probably in the next week or two, and we'll either be go or no go.”

Weighing His Future

Illuminating his thought process for Tapper, Sununu said, “I just want what's best for the party. It doesn't have to be the Chris Sununu show all the time.”

“It's just what's best so that's kind of what I'm narrowing down now,” Sununu continued.

Getting down to brass tacks regarding a possible 2024 bid, the governor noted, “The money's been lined up, the support's been lined up, there's a pathway to win. All those boxes are checked.”

“The family is on board, which is always a big one,” Sununu mused. “I just gotta make sure it's right to the party and right for me.”

Outspoken on '24

Sununu has already established himself as an outspoken commentator about the state of the GOP primary race, opining earlier this year about a possible match-up between former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for the party's nomination, as the Daily Mail noted at the time.

During a January appearance on CNN, Sununu teased his own possible entry into the race, but focused on others who had garnered the most attention up to that point. “Obviously, DeSantis and Trump are the two candidates, right, whether [DeSantis has] declared or not,” the governor said.

The governor then expressed optimism about DeSantis' chances in the Granite State, saying, “he would probably win New Hampshire right now, without a doubt.”

“I think other candidates will look to get in this spring or into the summer,” Sununu added, signaling his own potential aspirations and suggesting that new entrants would likely alter the state of play within the primary race.

Tackling Trump

Sununu has made no secret of the fact that he is not keen on the prospect of Trump securing the GOP nomination, saying earlier this year, as The Hill noted separately, that there was certainly a possibility the former president could win New Hampshire, but, “I don't think he will.”

Remarking on a campaign visit Trump made to his state, Sununu said the former president's affect was “mundane” and that “[t]he response we received was that he read his teleprompter, he stuck to the talking points.”

“He's not really bringing that fire, that energy, I think that a lot of folks saw it in '16. I think that in many ways it was a little disappointing to some folks,” Sununu added of Trump's foray into his state.

However, with multiple recent polls showing Trump with not just a commanding – but also a growing – advantage in the GOP primary battle, Sununu's take may just be wishful thinking, as the arrival of new entrants on the campaign scene has not yet succeeded in moving the needle.