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New Trump Campaign Website Blasts Harris on Border Policies

 August 24, 2024

The Trump campaign unveiled a new website on Friday targeting Vice President Kamala Harris’s handling of the U.S. border crisis, marking the latest move in its ongoing critique of the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

The website,, accuses Harris of exacerbating the border crisis and putting American lives at risk, as TownHall reports.

Launched as a pointed critique, presents a stark view of the current immigration situation, focusing on the negative consequences of what the Trump campaign describes as Harris's "open-border policies."

The site draws on data from a recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report, claiming that tens of thousands of smuggled migrant children are unaccounted for. This, according to the Trump campaign, is just one aspect of the broader crisis that Harris has failed to address adequately.

Website Accuses Harris of Prioritizing Illegal Immigrants

The website goes beyond statistics, also issuing harsh condemnations of Harris's role as the Biden administration’s point person on border issues. "Kamala Harris is complicit in fueling an invasion," the website states, accusing her of prioritizing the welfare of "illegal aliens" over that of American citizens.

The site paints a picture of a country under siege, with Harris’s policies allegedly responsible for an influx of crime and fentanyl that has reached every corner of the nation.

The website’s creators are particularly focused on what they describe as Harris's disregard for the safety and well-being of everyday Americans. One of the prominent messages on the site claims that "the lives of everyday Americans have been shattered" due to Harris’s policies.

The Trump campaign argues that these are not just numbers, but real people -- mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters -- whose lives have been upended by crimes committed by individuals who entered the country illegally.

Website Highlights Impact on Specific States

The Trump campaign’s new platform zeroes in on 13 states that it claims have been disproportionately affected by the immigration crisis. While the website does not specify which states are included, it suggests that these areas have experienced heightened levels of crime and drug-related deaths as a result of the current administration’s border policies.

This focus on the localized impact of Harris's border strategy is intended to resonate with voters across the country, particularly those who may feel the effects of these policies in their communities.

The website attempts to draw a direct line between Harris’s actions and the challenges faced by these states, arguing that her approach has made the crisis worse rather than better.

Trump Campaign Amplifies Criticism of Harris’s Record

The launch of comes on the heels of another recent website unveiling by the Trump campaign, both of which aim to inform voters about Harris’s policy positions and their purported consequences. The timing of these releases indicates a coordinated effort to undermine Harris’s standing with the electorate as the 2024 presidential election approaches.

In a statement released alongside the website, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt reiterated the campaign’s stance that Harris has failed in her role as the administration’s "Border Czar."

Leavitt emphasized the campaign’s commitment to continuing its critique of Harris's record on immigration. "President Trump will not stop highlighting Kamala Harris’s failed immigration record," Leavitt stated, referencing the grief of families who have lost loved ones due to what the campaign calls Harris’s "border bloodbath."

Trump Campaign Warns of Future Consequences

The Trump campaign’s website launch is not just a critique of the past but also a warning for the future. The campaign argues that if Harris is allowed to continue her current policies for another four years, the consequences will be dire for the United States. "If Kamala is given four more years to enact her pro-illegal immigration, open border agenda, America will cease to exist," the website declares.

As the 2024 election draws closer, the Trump campaign is likely to continue using platforms like to push its message and draw contrasts between Trump’s policies and those of the current administration.

Whether this strategy will resonate with voters remains to be seen, but it is clear that immigration will remain a central issue in the upcoming election cycle.

In conclusion, the Trump campaign’s new website is a direct assault on Vice President Kamala Harris's immigration policies, accusing her of endangering American lives and failing to protect the nation’s borders. The website presents a grim view of the current border crisis and warns of even greater consequences if Harris's policies are allowed to continue.