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Newly unveiled text seems to confirm Biden knew about son Hunter’s business dealings, despite public denials

 May 28, 2023

The Daily Mail has uncovered even more shocking evidence from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. This time, a series of texts between Hunter and his uncle James Biden was discovered that suggested the President knew about Hunter’s shady business dealings.

Joe Biden has previously denied having any involvement with Hunter’s illicit affairs. He also claimed to have never discussed any business dealings with his son.

The messages in question happened about two weeks after the New York Times published a story exploring a possible connection between the Biden family and a corrupt Chinese oil company CEFC.

After Hunter sent a link to the article to James, he replied, “This can work. You need a safe tabor. I can work with you[r] father alone.”

James then continued with, “We as usual just need several months of his help for this to work,” suggesting this wouldn’t have been the first time Joe Biden collaborated with his son.

The texts are an unnerving addition to a growing pie of evidence against both Hunter and the President. Shortly after the Times piece was published, Biden had left a voicemail for his son saying, “'I thought the article released online – it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times – was good. I think you're clear.”

Deal with the Devil

The article in question, published on December 12, 2018, covered the arrest of CEFC’s then-chairman Ye Jianming and his deputy Patrick Ho. Ye at the time was a well-known oil tycoon who managed to secure deals that wouldn’t be possible without global political connections with incredibly powerful people.

CEFC had managed to do business in a large number of countries including Russia, Chad and even North Korea.

Discussing Ye, Jude Blanchette of business intelligence company Crumpton Group, said, “This is a guy who courted and maintained networks with the People’s Liberation Army and took the strategy of ‘friends in high places.’ What becomes clear about Ye Jianming is that he is an incredibly adept navigator of politics.”

In addition, an investigation after Ho’s arrest showed that the CEFC had bribed those in power to win lucrative contracts in high-demand places such as Africa.

Although Ye was already starting to have influence over “American infrastructure and energy deals,” he was keen on expanding his connections in Washington at the time. There is proof that he not only “networked with former United States security officials” but  also “courted the Biden family.”

Previous evidence found on Hunter’s laptop suggested that he and James were working on a $10 million deal with CEFC. Hunter’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, had also stated that “10% [of the deal was] held by H for the Big Guy.” By “Big Guy” he hinted at the President.

Family Connections

Although the article did not conclude that Hunter was absolutely tied to the CEFC, it did prove that there was a relationship between Hunter and Ho. 

According to the piece, James had once received a phone call from Ho asking for help back in November 2017. James at the time said that he “believed it had been meant for Hunter” and subsequently gave him the right contact information.

Hunter, however, had once referred to Ho as a “f***ing spy chief of China.”

The newly unearthed texts could spell more trouble for Hunter as the investigation continues and could even harm President Biden’s chances of reelection, political experts suggest.

No additional response has yet been issued by Hunter’s lawyers or the President’s office on the subject.