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Newsom says DeSantis right to presidential exit race

 January 27, 2024

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) stated on Thursday that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had made a wise decision by withdrawing from the Republican race and potentially securing his future.

During an MSNBC interview, when questioned about whether DeSantis had effectively ended his political career by not succeeding in his 2024 presidential campaign, Newsom expressed a differing viewpoint.

Newsom said, "I think if he continued, [DeSantis] was going to get trounced in his own state," as Fox News reported.

A New Side of DeSantis

In a further discussion about DeSantis, Newsom mentioned a recent video showcasing the governor and his son discussing NFL playoff predictions.

Newsom noted a change in DeSantis, observing him as a more humanized figure compared to his previous public persona.

He stated, "Just on a humanizing level, having spent a tiny bit of time with him but obviously studying him for some time, he’s a different guy. Now I saw him with his kid on a video, I’m like ‘who’s that guy?"

The governor described the pre-withdrawal DeSantis as "wound up" and "joyless," contrasting him with former President Trump, who Newsom perceived as less tense and more entertaining.

Newsom emphasized the importance of understanding one's motivation, hinting at a lack of clarity in DeSantis' previous political endeavors.

Critique of Republican Presidential Hopefuls

Newsom also critiqued other Republican presidential candidates, particularly for their attempts to emulate or surpass former President Trump while he remains in the race.

He described their strategies as somewhat unrealistic, questioning their understanding of the political landscape with Trump still being a prominent figure.

The governor noted, "The premise of it is rather — I don't mean this as a cheap shot — rather delusional. Maybe you didn't think he was going to run, maybe you thought he was going to be convicted earlier for a crime, I don't know what they were thinking, but it was so predictable. All of this was predictable."

Newsom was particularly doubtful about Nikki Haley's chances in the race, citing her inability to win her own state of South Carolina.

Trump's Strong Primary Performance

In the New Hampshire primary, Trump secured a decisive victory over Haley, winning by a margin of 10 points.

This triumph followed his landslide win in the Iowa caucuses, which ultimately led to DeSantis' departure from the race.

Trump's appeal to various conservative groups was underscored by his significant lead among "very conservative" voters.

Haley secured a substantial 24-point lead among political moderates in New Hampshire, while Trump also claimed a 24-point advantage among those who identified as "somewhat conservative."

Furthermore, Trump garnered an impressive 68-point lead among respondents described as "very conservative."