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Nicole Shanahan’s Satirical Video Depicts ‘MAGA People’ in Positive Light

 September 14, 2024

Nicole Shanahan, who ran for the White House alongside Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has released a parody video that takes a light-hearted look at former President Donald Trump’s supporters.

The video, which was posted on X on Friday afternoon by the former VP candidate, is titled “The MAGA People,” and is styled as an old-fashioned documentary that aims to offer a fresh perspective on Trump’s supporters, often referred to as “MAGA People,” by portraying them in a more understanding and positive light, as the Daily Wire reports.

The video’s tone, which mirrors the format of a nature documentary, presents Trump supporters across various parts of the United States as dedicated and patriotic individuals.

With a British narrator, the film humorously explores the behaviors and values of MAGA supporters, while highlighting their belief in the “Make America Great Again” movement as rooted in optimism and America’s founding principles.

Shanahan’s Video Paints MAGA in a Different Light

The video opens with the narrator introducing the audience to what he calls a “fascinating and often misunderstood collective” in the United States. The film spans various regions, from northeastern cities to midwestern towns and western expanses, providing a glimpse into the lives of Trump supporters. It quickly becomes clear that the video intends to shift the stereotypical image of MAGA people away from the negative portrayals commonly seen in the media.

The narrator continues by suggesting that media warnings had painted these individuals as “vicious, radical, and even deplorable.” However, the video’s journey uncovers a different reality. Trump supporters, according to the documentary, are described as “warm, loving, and even rather cheeky.” This characterization directly contrasts with the more extreme portrayals often used by critics of the movement.

Documentary Emphasizes MAGA Optimism and Patriotism

Throughout the video, Shanahan and her team emphasize the core beliefs of the MAGA movement. The narrator describes the “Make America Great Again” slogan as an optimistic outlook, centered on the hope that America will return to its founding principles. These principles, the video argues, include the belief in a government “by and for the people,” with an emphasis on protecting the Constitution, the freedom of citizens, and the health of the nation.

The MAGA people, the documentary claims, also hold dear the concept of the American Dream, and view their actions as an effort to restore it. According to the narrator, Trump’s supporters strive for a return to a time when American values were at the forefront, believing that the country’s greatness lies in its foundational ideals.

MAGA People Seen as Family-Oriented and Peace-Loving

Another central theme of the documentary is the portrayal of MAGA supporters as family-oriented individuals. The narrator explains that these people have a “wholesome familial demeanor” and often talk about the importance of family, truth, and basic human rights. The documentary also highlights how central the concept of family is to the MAGA movement, positioning it as a key motivator behind their political beliefs.

Beyond their family values, the video suggests that MAGA supporters are committed to maintaining peace and harmony in their communities. Although the documentary acknowledges their dedication to protecting America’s borders, it emphasizes that these individuals are not confrontational by nature. Instead, they advocate for peace, especially when it comes to ending wars and reducing America’s military presence abroad.

Diverse Backgrounds of MAGA Supporters Highlighted

The video takes time to explore the diverse backgrounds of those who identify with the MAGA movement. The narrator describes MAGA people as coming from all walks of life, including farmers, family-owned business operators, entrepreneurs, health advocates, blue-collar workers, and military servicemen.

By doing so, the documentary stresses that Trump supporters cannot be easily categorized into a single demographic or stereotype.

This point is further emphasized when the narrator reflects on the diversity of the movement and how it encompasses Americans from every corner of the country. The diversity of backgrounds within the movement is highlighted as one of its strengths, suggesting that MAGA supporters are united by shared values rather than personal circumstances or professions.

Video Concludes with Reflection on MAGA Values

In the closing moments of the video, the narrator reflects on the experiences gained while spending time with the MAGA people. Initially wary of the group due to the negative media portrayals, the team concludes that the movement is grounded in moral, ethical, and honest values. As the documentary ends, it leaves viewers with the thought that perhaps the positive traits of the MAGA movement could inspire similar movements elsewhere.

The documentary ends on a hopeful note, with the narrator expressing admiration for the MAGA people’s commitment to their values and their dedication to restoring what they see as the true essence of America.


Nicole Shanahan’s release of “The MAGA People” serves as a humorous yet thoughtful attempt to portray Trump supporters in a more positive light than commonly seen in the media.

The video, styled as a nature documentary, walks viewers through the everyday lives of MAGA supporters, highlighting their patriotism, family values, and commitment to peace and harmony. It challenges the often-negative portrayals of the group and suggests that their belief in the “Make America Great Again” movement is based on optimism and the hope for a return to America’s foundational principles.

From farmers to blue-collar workers and military servicemen, the documentary underscores the diversity of backgrounds among MAGA supporters, ultimately suggesting that the movement is united by shared values rather than any one stereotype.