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Nikki Haley losing to Donald Trump by 35 points in her home state of South Carolina

 January 31, 2024
In a recent South Carolina primary poll, Donald Trump is shown to lead Nikki Haley by a substantial margin.The poll, conducted by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates for the MAGA Inc. PAC, indicates a 35-point lead for Trump. With 66% support from likely Republican voters, Trump's lead is more than double that of Haley's support, which stands at 31%, as Breitbart reported.

Trump's dominance in South Carolina poll

Trump's stronghold in this poll is evident.

An impressive 59% of respondents stated they would "definitely" vote for him, while an additional 6% said they "probably" would.

This level of certainty in Trump's support contrasts with the more divided sentiments towards Haley, with only 24% expressing definite support.

Interestingly, the poll also explored voter reactions to endorsements and advertisements.

The endorsement of Haley by former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney resulted in a slight decline in Haley's support.

Post-endorsement, Haley's "definite" voter percentage dropped from 24% to 21%, with her overall support decreasing to 29%.

Impact of endorsements and advertisements

The influence of political endorsements and campaign advertisements was a focal point of the poll.

When voters were informed of Cheney's endorsement of Haley, the reaction was not favorable for the presidential hopeful.

Additionally, an anti-Trump advertisement by Haley's campaign, labeling Trump as "too much chaos," did not significantly alter the voting preferences of those who had seen the ad.

A memo from Fabrizio, Lee & Associates read:

Statistically, this margin is not different from the overall ballot, indicating this ad has had no bearing on who South Carolina [Republican primary voters] plan to vote for.

Despite Haley's high approval ratings from her tenure as governor, these figures did not translate into overwhelming support in the primary race. Even among those approving of her performance, Trump maintained a lead.

Trump's stronghold despite Haley's efforts

Despite Haley's concerted efforts and positive job performance as governor, the poll suggests that Republican primary voters in South Carolina remain firmly in Trump's camp.

The memo from Fabrizio, Lee & Associates concludes that South Carolina solidly remains Trump territory.

Trump's early victories in Iowa and New Hampshire have contributed to his momentum, leading to a rapid consolidation of support in the Republican field.

Notwithstanding these developments, Haley remains committed to her campaign, vowing to continue until at least Super Tuesday.

Continued campaign efforts despite odds

Haley's determination in the face of daunting poll numbers is noteworthy.

Despite the overwhelming support for Trump in South Carolina, she has expressed her intention to stay in the race, as stated in her recent interview with NBC News' Meet the Press.

The poll's methodology involved sampling 600 likely Republican primary voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

Conducted between Jan. 28-29, the poll provides a snapshot of the current political landscape in South Carolina.

Methodology and margin of error in polling

The polling process was thorough, ensuring a representative sample of the likely voter base.

The margin of error, a standard measure in polling, adds a level of reliability to the findings.

This lead for Trump in South Carolina is consistent with his performance in the early stages of the Republican nomination process. His victories in Iowa and New Hampshire have bolstered his standing within the party.

Trump's winning streak in early primaries

Trump's success in the initial primaries has set the tone for the Republican race.

His victories in these early contests have not only solidified his front-runner status but also influenced the dynamics within the GOP.

Haley's persistence in the campaign, despite the challenging poll numbers, highlights the dynamic nature of political races more broadly.


  • Donald Trump holds a significant 35-point lead over Nikki Haley in the South Carolina Republican primary race.
  • Endorsements and advertisements have had little impact in terms of changing voter preferences.
  • Despite positive approval ratings, Haley's support lags significantly behind Trump's.
  • Haley remains committed to her campaign, aiming to persist until Super Tuesday.
  • The poll's methodology and margin of error add credibility to its findings.