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Nikki Haley steps away from campaign to visit ailing father

 January 19, 2024

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley temporarily stepped away from the campaign trail this week as her father, Ajit Singh Randhawa, who is undergoing cancer treatment, was admitted to a hospital in South Carolina.

The GOP candidate made her way back to South Carolina late on Tuesday.

She then made a swift return to New Hampshire for a rally on Wednesday, as Newsmax reported.

ABC News political reporter Kelsey Walsh confirmed that the campaign stated that Haley's father is "doing OK."

Political Landscape and Haley's Strategy

Haley is currently positioned behind Donald Trump in the New Hampshire polls.

Alongside Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Haley is strategizing to reduce Trump's lead among Republican voters.

This is a critical phase in the campaign, particularly in New Hampshire, known for its pivotal role as the first primary state.

Haley's team is optimistic that a strong performance in New Hampshire will boost her campaign.

They believe that is especially true as she gears up for what they believe will be a solid showing in her home state of South Carolina.

Here, she faces a significant challenge, trailing Trump by over 30 points, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average.

Iowa Results

In the Iowa caucuses, former President Donald Trump emerged as the clear victor, securing 51% of the votes.

He claimed victory in all counties except one, which he lost by only a very narrow margin.

DeSantis came in second place with 21%.

Haley, for her part, garnered 19% of the votes.

The former South Carolina governor intends to engage in strong competition in New Hampshire.

There, she will be aiming for a more favorable outcome by appealing to the state's independent voters, as the Associated Press reported.

"When you look at how well we’re doing in New Hampshire and in South Carolina and beyond, I can safely say tonight Iowa made this Republican primary a two-person race," she said.