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Noem, Ramaswamy tied for Trump VP pick

By Samuel Lee on
 February 25, 2024

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy are leading choices for Trump's VP in a CPAC straw poll.

In a surprising turn of events at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy emerged as top picks for former President Donald Trump's vice presidential candidate. Each garnered 15 percent of the votes from attendees. This indicates a notable preference among Republican grassroots activists, the Hill reports.

CPAC Poll Reveals Surprising VP Preferences

The CPAC straw poll often provides insights into the preferences and inclinations of its attendees. While not necessarily predictive of final decisions, the results can significantly influence public discourse and perceptions within the party.

Former President Trump, who remains a dominant figure within the Republican Party, had earlier acknowledged the competence of those on the rumored shortlist for his running mate. He describes them as "all solid." This acknowledgment adds weight to the poll results. Furthermore, this highlights the importance of these figures within the party's current dynamics.

Former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard followed Noem and Ramaswamy with 9 percent of the votes in the poll. This shows a diverse range of participant preferences. Notably, Gabbard's positioning as a former Democrat turned independent adds an interesting layer to the discussions on potential running mates.

Diverse Opinions Among Conservative Activists

Other notable figures in the poll included House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik and Senator Tim Scott. Each of them received 8 percent of the vote. Apparently, this demonstrates the wide array of choices being considered by Republican activists. In fact, it reflects a party in the process of shaping its future direction.

The results also shed light on the potential political futures of individuals like Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, former HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Each of them received varying degrees of support in the poll.

The CPAC straw poll's focus on the vice-presidential pick. Evidently, this underscores the significant interest in Trump's choice of running mate. Thus, the attention to this question reflects the ongoing discussions and speculations surrounding the 2024 presidential race.

Straw Polls and Political Speculations

While the CPAC straw poll is not a definitive predictor of future decisions, it plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and discussions within the party. The buzz created by such polls can influence public opinion and potentially sway the decisions of key political figures.

The participation of several potential vice-presidential contenders at the CPAC event, including Noem, Ramaswamy, and others, provided them with a platform to present their visions and connect with the conservative base. This further influences the poll's outcomes.

The divergence in opinions among CPAC attendees highlights the ongoing debates within the Republican Party regarding the ideal candidate to complement Trump on the 2024 ticket. Certainly, these discussions reflect broader themes of political strategy, voter appeal, and the future direction of the party.

The Impact of Public Opinion on Political Strategies

Despite the non-binding nature of the CPAC straw poll, the results have the potential to significantly impact the strategic considerations of Trump's campaign. As a matter of fact, the preferences expressed by attendees can guide discussion. It can also arrive to decisions regarding the most suitable vice-presidential candidate.

The involvement of high-profile figures like Noem and Ramaswamy in the VP discussions underscores the evolving dynamics within the Republican Party. It seeks to balance traditional conservative values with the need to appeal to a broader electorate.

The selection of a vice-presidential candidate is a critical strategic decision for any presidential campaign. Accordingly, these have implications for voter outreach, campaign messaging, and the overall electoral strategy. The CPAC straw poll results provide valuable insights into the preferences of a key segment of the Republican base.

Looking Ahead: The VP Selection Process

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, the speculation surrounding Trump's choice of running mate will only intensify. The CPAC straw poll has set the stage for further discussions and debates within the party, highlighting the significance of this decision in the broader political landscape.

The CPAC event served as a microcosm of the broader Republican Party, reflecting the diverse opinions and preferences among its members. The varied support for potential VP candidates indicates a party in the midst of defining its identity and strategic direction ahead of the next presidential election.

The ultimate selection of Trump's running mate will have far-reaching implications for the Republican Party's chances in the 2024 election.

It will signal the party's strategic priorities and its approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities of the current political moment.


  • South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy emerged as leading choices for Trump's VP in the CPAC straw poll.
  • The CPAC straw poll, while not predictive, influences discussions within the Republican Party and the broader political narrative.
  • A diverse range of potential candidates, including former Democrats and high-profile Republicans, reflects the party's ongoing debates about its future direction.
  • The eventual VP selection will be a crucial strategic decision for Trump's campaign, with significant implications for the 2024 election.