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Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Condemns FBI Raid of Home

 June 26, 2024

The home of the Oakland, California, mayor was recently raided by federal law enforcement agents.

Far-left Mayor Sheng Thao's publicly denounced the FBI's action and emphatically claimed her innocence this week, as the Daily Wire reports.

Federal Agents Raid Thao's Home

Late last week, more than a dozen federal agents conducted a raid on the home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. The agents entered Thao's residence and removed various items, including paper boxes, clipboards, and large plastic tubs.

The raid is part of a broader investigation involving several properties connected to a politically influential family associated with Oakland's curbside recycling program. This larger probe has led to significant scrutiny and speculation about the motivations behind the searches.

During a press conference held on Monday, Thao firmly declared her innocence and criticized the federal agents' actions. "I want to be crystal clear: I have done nothing wrong," Thao stated emphatically.

Mayor Asserts Innocence Amid Investigation

Thao maintained that the investigation is not related to her and that she has not been charged with any crime. "I can tell you with confidence that this investigation is not about me. I have not been charged with a crime, and I am confident that I will not be charged with a crime because I am innocent," she said.

The raid on Thao's home has raised many questions, particularly about the evidence that led to the federal agents' decision to conduct the search. "What evidence have they collected that justifies raiding the home of a sitting mayor without notice and without the courtesy of a conversation?" she asked, voicing her frustration and confusion over the incident.

Connections to Influential Family Under Investigation

The investigation that included the raid on Thao's home extends to multiple properties linked to a politically influential family in Oakland.

This family is known for its involvement in the city's curbside recycling program, a connection that has added another layer of intrigue to the ongoing probe.

Thao also addressed the timing of the raid, suggesting that it may be politically motivated. She pointed out that the raid occurred the day after the qualification of a recall election, which she claims is funded by some of the wealthiest individuals in the Bay Area.

"I want to know more about the handful of billionaires from San Francisco and Piedmont who are hell-bent on running me out of office. I want to know why the day following the qualification of a recall election, funded by some of the richest people in the Bay Area, seemed like the right day to execute a warrant," Thao said, questioning the motives behind the raid.

Mayor Thao's Staunch Defense and Commitment

Despite the raid and the subsequent scrutiny, Mayor Thao remains resolute in her position and commitment to her role as mayor. She made it clear that she would not be intimidated or driven out of office by these actions.

"I will not be bullied and I will not be disparaged and I will not be threatened out of this office," she declared, reaffirming her dedication to serving the city of Oakland.

The raid on Thao's home and the broader investigation involving the politically influential family have created a complex and contentious situation in Oakland. As the investigation continues, more details are likely to emerge, shedding light on the motivations and evidence behind the federal agents' actions.

Mayor Thao's forceful response and public defense of her innocence have added a significant dimension to the story, highlighting the tensions and challenges she faces as a public official under scrutiny.

In conclusion, the raid on Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home by federal law enforcement agents has sparked a heated response from the mayor and raised numerous questions about the investigation's scope and motivations.

Thao's strong denouncement of the raid, her assertion of innocence, and her commitment to remaining in office underscore the contentious and politically charged nature of the situation.

The investigation's connection to a politically influential family involved in Oakland's curbside recycling program further complicates the narrative, making this a story that will continue to unfold with significant implications for all parties involved.