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Ocasio-Cortez announces she will not run US Senate seat

 May 2, 2023

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) has decided to back away from a 2024 election run against Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY).

She is presently standing in solidarity with a majority of New York Democrats who feel that they can make better use of their time finding ways to take back the four seats that were given over to Republicans during the 2022 midterms rather than coming against a fellow Democrat, according to the Daily Mail.

Ocasio-Cortez Not Planning 2024 Senate Run

"She is not planning to run for Senate in 2024," Lauren Hitt, Ocasio-Cortez’s spokesperson, told Politico Sunday.

Hitt added that Ocasio-Cortez was not thinking along the lines of, "planning to primary Gillibrand."

There has been a great deal of speculation that 33-year-old Ocasio-Cortez would act on career ambitions to unseat Gillibrand even as Gillibrand announced that she would run again back in January, according to Fox News.

Though Gillibrand has been in office since 2009, Ocasio-Cortez was believed to be an incumbent that would be a significant challenger for Gillibrand to overcome and maintain her Senate seat.

Ocasio-Cortez would definitely have the resources for an election run given the fact that she has $5 million available to her to back her political ambitions, compared to Gillibrand's $6 million, according to the Daily Mail.

Ocasio-Cortez also has the needed name recognition in New York and solid liberal connections that help bring together the critical pieces for a successful election run.

Democrats Feel Need for Party in 2024

Nevertheless, Gillibrand seems to be getting a positive nod from various members of her party for the work that she has done in connection to the Democrat agenda.

"Sen. Gillibrand has represented our state incredibly well," Isaac Goldberg, a Democratic consultant based in New York told Politico.

He added that he feels there's no reason for one Democrat to challenge another when the one already holding office is, "someone who spends her time protecting the right to choose, fighting for paid leave, family leave, workers' rights and a green economy and everything else Democrats in this state value."

That being said, for Ocasio-Cortez to say that she isn't planning to run isn't the same thing as if she were to declare that she won't do so.

Nevertheless, if Ocasio-Cortez maintains declining an election run for 2024, it will help to clear the way for a Gillibrand win.

Other contenders who considered running against her but have backed away are former New York Rep. Mondaire Jones, Rep. Jamall Bowman (NY-16),  and Rep. RitchieTorres (NY-15).

Because of the four-seat loss the Democrats took in 2022, there is a focus during the 2024 race to unify and support those already in office while working to regain seats wherever possible.

Jay Jacobs, chair of the New York Democratic Party told Politico that he thinks running against other Democrats for the 2024 election is "divisive."

He added that, "And unless you think you can win, it's divisive unnecessarily."