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Stefanik Resubmits Ethics Complaint Against Trump Trial Judge

 September 7, 2024

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has once again raised concerns about Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the New York criminal case involving former President Donald Trump.

Stefanik filed a formal ethics complaint with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, claiming potential conflicts of interest involving Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, and according to Stefanik, new evidence has surfaced showing that Loren Merchan may be financially benefiting from her father’s involvement in the high-profile trial, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Stefanik alleges that Merchan’s daughter’s company, Authentic Campaigns, has received financial compensation connected to the trial, potentially creating a conflict of interest.

Judge’s Daughter Allegedly Profiting from Trial

In her complaint, Stefanik accuses Loren Merchan, president of the fundraising and digital marketing firm Authentic Campaigns, of using the trial and eventual sentencing for personal financial gain. Stefanik asserts that Loren’s firm has worked with Democratic lawmakers and political action committees, raising questions about impartiality. She emphasizes that the involvement of Loren’s firm with the trial, combined with her political connections, creates an appearance of bias.

Stefanik's complaint follows an earlier request for an investigation, which was rejected by the judicial commission. However, she argues that new information warrants reconsideration. Specifically, Stefanik points to campaign finance reports showing that Kamala Harris’s campaign hired Loren Merchan’s company, Authentic Campaigns, shortly after Harris replaced President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket.

Campaign Finance Records Fuel Controversy

According to the campaign finance records submitted by Stefanik, the Harris campaign paid $468 to Authentic Campaigns for web hosting services. The payment was listed in a report filed with the Federal Election Commission, raising questions about potential conflicts. Stefanik believes this financial connection between Loren Merchan’s firm and Harris’s campaign could indicate bias, especially as Merchan presides over Trump’s trial.

Stefanik wrote in her complaint: “Neither the Appellate Division nor the Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics could have known about this material when they issued opinions as to Justice Merchan’s continuing to preside over President Trump’s case.”

Judge Delays Trump Sentencing Amid Complaint

On the same day that Stefanik filed her latest complaint, Judge Merchan made the decision to delay Trump’s sentencing until after Election Day. The new sentencing date is now scheduled for Nov. 26, pushing the case further into the political landscape as the 2024 elections loom.

Stefanik has been a vocal supporter of Trump throughout his legal battles, and this is not her first time filing ethics complaints on his behalf. Her previous complaints, however, have largely been rejected or have failed to result in significant action.

Commission’s Previous Rejection Could Be Reconsidered

Stefanik’s initial request for an investigation into Judge Merchan was dismissed by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. However, with new evidence in hand, she is pushing for a fresh investigation, arguing that the full scope of the potential conflict was not clear at the time of the original decision.

“This indicates that one of the very first things that Harris did upon taking over the Biden campaign infrastructure is to hire this firm, Authentic,” Stefanik added in her complaint, citing this as key evidence of a conflict.

Ongoing Questions Over Ethical Conduct

As the complaint moves forward, it remains unclear whether the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct will take further action. Stefanik’s efforts to question Judge Merchan’s impartiality underscore her ongoing defense of Trump, who faces multiple legal challenges across various courts. However, the trial itself has already concluded, and the investigation, if launched, would likely focus on any perceived ethical violations that may have occurred during the proceedings.

Loren Merchan, president of Authentic Campaigns, has yet to comment on Stefanik’s allegations, and both the Harris campaign and the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct have been contacted by media outlets for a response.

Political Implications Ahead of 2024

The timing of Stefanik’s complaint, filed so close to the 2024 presidential election, has led some to speculate on its potential political motivations. While Stefanik’s claims of conflict of interest are focused on Judge Merchan and his daughter’s business ties, they also tie into broader concerns about Trump’s legal battles influencing the political landscape as he seeks reelection.

Trump’s sentencing delay until after Election Day adds another layer of uncertainty, as the outcome of his criminal trial could have implications for his campaign. Whether Stefanik’s latest complaint will alter the course of events remains to be seen.


Elise Stefanik has filed a renewed ethics complaint against Judge Juan Merchan, citing potential conflicts of interest involving his daughter, Loren Merchan, and her business dealings with political campaigns, including Kamala Harris’s.

This comes after an earlier request for an investigation was rejected, though Stefanik argues that new information, including campaign finance records, justifies reconsideration.

The complaint has drawn attention as Trump’s legal battles continue and his sentencing is pushed past Election Day.