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Biden Proposes Supreme Court Reform in Wake of Trump Immunity Ruling

 July 28, 2024

In a sweeping move set for next week, President Joe Biden aims to detail a proposal for significant changes to the U.S. Constitution directly affecting the U.S. Supreme Court's structure and governance.

This shift sought by Biden aims to establish term limits for justices and enhance judicial accountability, adjustments driven by recent Supreme Court decisions -- such as one on presidential immunity -- and heightened pressures from within his party, as Fox News reports.

President Biden's plan, which surfaces in the wake of his decisive withdrawal from a 2024 re-election bid, includes proposals that could fundamentally alter the top echelons of the American judiciary.

First referenced on Sunday, Biden's decision followed intense criticism from within the Democratic Party resulting from a debate performance deemed lackluster by party officials in June.

The proposed amendments include the introduction of term limits for Supreme Court justices and the creation of an enforceable code of ethics -- a response largely to what Biden describes as an attack on "a wide range of long-established legal principles in our nation.” This initiative would require the consent of both Congress and states, signifying a challenging path ahead.

Biden's Swift Pivot Towards Supreme Court Reform

The sudden zeal for this constitutional amendment marks a stark shift in Biden’s previously cautious stance regarding the Supreme Court.

Having resisted judicial changes in the past, his recent declaration spotlights this as a top priority in his remaining tenure. The proposal notably integrates a constitutional amendment to limit immunities for presidents and similar high-ranking officials, a direct counter to a Supreme Court ruling involving former President Donald Trump.

The specifics of these proposed changes remain under wraps with details still being processed, according to reports from Politico. Despite this, the broader objectives align squarely with Biden's escalated critique of what he perceives as the court’s undermining of American democratic norms.

In an emotionally charged Oval Office address, Biden outlined his commitment to redirect his focus from campaigning to governance. He pledged to confront issues ranging from economic stability to civil rights, explicitly emphasizing the necessity of Supreme Court reform as essential to preserving democracy.

Complex Path to Constitutional Reform Outlined

Amending the Constitution involves a rigorous legislative process, requiring a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, followed by ratification from at least 38 of the 50 states.

This demanding trajectory underscores the monumental challenge Biden faces in forwarding his vision.

Effectively, this move to amend the Constitution reflects Biden's broader strategy to cement a legacy focused on judicial integrity and democratic deepening, amidst what he describes as attacks on foundational legal frameworks concerning voting and civil rights.

The White House, when approached for further clarification, has presently stayed mum post-Biden's announcement. This silence feeds into the anticipation and speculation surrounding the full scope of the reforms proposed by the administration.

Presidential Priorities Shift Toward Policy Over Politics

Having declared his non-participation in the upcoming election, Biden’s pivot towards robust policymaking rather than political campaigning signals a unique transition in his administration's approach.

In his withdrawal speech, Biden voiced his opposition to any form of violence and hate, and he committed to tackling domestic issues from gun violence to climate change.

Biden emphasized the existential threat posed by the climate crisis and reasserted his dedication to the cancer moonshot initiative, vowing to work toward the elimination of the disease. These initiatives underscore his shifted focus after the decision not to run, channeling his energies towards comprehensive domestic and judiciary reforms.

"This is critical to our democracy," Biden remarked regarding his Supreme Court reform proposals during his address, underlining the constitutional and systemic stakes of his planned amendments.

His drive towards these reforms also encapsulates what he views as a broader endeavor to fortify the underlying tenets of American governance and judicial oversight.